Chapter 2

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I woke up and I was strapped to a chair and my mouth had a cloth over it, I start struggling to get out

I eventually gave up knowing its no good and started crying

The same man walked in

'Please leave me go please I want my daddies 'I sobbed

'Erin I'm sorry'He said and frowned

'Why do you want me? 'I ask

'Well I didn't want to kidnapp you but our boss made us 'He said

'Who's your boss?. "I ask

'We can't tell you but hopefully you can get out of here soon 'He said and looked around

'I've to go Erin, see ya soon 'He said and Waved and walked out

I tried hinking of the good memories of me and Louis and Harry, remembering the times made me cry and the fact I might never see them again made me cry harder , I soon cried myself to sleep

Louis's P.O.V

"Harry , guys I'm going checking on Erin she's. being really quite 'I said

'For once 'Harry saie and we all laughed

I walked into her bedroom and found everything the same except some drawers pulled out and a few pictures gone, but no Erin

I ran out her door and to the front door, I opened and found Erin's phone lying in the hall

I ran to it and searched through her messages for any clue were she went

3 messages from unknown number

I can see you, I'm watching you, tell everyone your going to bed tell anyone whats happening and Niall dies -Unknown number

Good, pack some stuff but do not pack anything for contact with or I will kill one of them Infront of you -Unknown number

Open your door and crawl out and to the front door DONT let the boys see you -Unknown number

I started crying, I ran back in and throwed the phone to Harry and the boys

I just sat on the ground crying

Harry ran up to me

"Wait till the morning for all we know it could be a friend we have to wait 24 hours anyway 'He said crying

We stood up and hugged and soon all of us were hugging

"Cmon lets watch a movie 'Zayn said crying we all nodded and walked back to the coaches and watched You again

Erin's P.O.V

I woke up again and starred around wondering if it was a bad dream but no still I'm tied to a chair

A man walked in and he's around 45 but not the same , kind man as before HELL TO THE NO this guy is scary and he's carrying a whip

He came up to me and slapped my thigh hard with the wipe will someone videod it

'Hi gay boys look how she*slap* 'I cried out in pain 'Is doing 'He said and slapped me over and over

'p-please s-stop 'I begged crying

'No can do darlin 'The one videoing said and the man kept slapping me , I just closed my eyes

'Do not give in don't not give in think happy thoughts whats that song the boys sang to me when I was 8 ? ,I'm a wiggly worm,I love you, I love you, I'm a wiggle worm 'My mind said and I actually blocked out everything I couldn't feel anything

But a voice dragged me back

'Is she dead? 'One asked but I didn't move

'Nah she's awake 'One said and slapped me and I stayed quite

They walked out

'I wish I was dead 'I whispered

I look around the room for a window and spot one

I bite the rope but I'm about to get free when 3 men walk in

They grab my hand and drag me away

"Where are we going? 'I ask nervously

'We've to dump your body in the river , since Ray left your phone in the hall, the police tracked us and we've to get rid of you before they come 'one said and I gulped

I was pushed into a van, the same van I was brought here in

We arrived at a river near my parents flat

They pulled me out of the van and pushed me to the edge of the bank

They pushed me in and tied a brick to my foot and ran off they hopped in the van and drove off but not before leaving my bag of stuff beside the river

Water stated filling my body as I tried to swim to the top, but the brick got caught and i couldn't breath

Soon I had to breath and let out the breath I was holding and the water filled my lungs, soon blackness took over

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