We walked in as the bell on the door rang. We all saw them at the waiting area. "YOOOO!" Ysa screamed, "YOU GUYS ARE HERE." Kirsten and Lianne closely followed with greetings less loud. They gave us a long table and we all sat down. I scanned all the girls and realized they all grew up very well. They took a seat and I started pull a chair out next to Ysa. "May I?" She swatted my hand away but still had he head somewhere else. "Taken." She mumbled. There were two empty chairs next to Lianne and Ysa. I wondered why, but I couldn't figure out the reason. We all caught up on the last ten years. Kendrick mentioned his fiancé and Gino bragged about his girlfriend. Lianne turned to me and asked, "How about you Gian?" In the corner of my eye I could see Kirsten and Ysa laughing about some sort of inside joke I suppose. "I don't have one." I muttered. Lianne openly winked at Ysa. She found out why and yelled loudly, "LIANNE NO." She as then followed up by Kirsten shushing her as they laughed. "How about you ladies?" Lianne was about to answer, but Ysa butted in. "Don't worry about it." She winked at Lianne and performed some complex girl language that I couldn't figure out. I rolled my eyes and started talking to Kendrick. I looked to the side and found out Josh was there. What the heck? When did Josh get here? Apparently, Ysa soon figured it out too. "JOSH WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?!?!?" He muttered something and continued to text on a tiny outdated phone. I kept finding myself staring at Ysa. I was about to ask her something, but two men came and filled the spots next to Lianne and Ysa. The one next to Lianne kissed her temple and sat down. The one next to Ysa hugged her and put his arm around her. He must've caught me staring because he glared at me. I quickly realized who these men are in their lives and found out my chances with Ysa are non existent anymore. I excused my self to the bathroom. I was splashing my face from the indirect rejection. I realized I wet my shirt so it looked like I threw up on myself. I awkwardly walked back out with my uncomfortable vomit stain as they all looked at me with weird faces. I was so fixed with all their confused glances the I forgot there was a stair there. I tripped over and face planted on the ground. I layer there not wanting to get up, but it kinda smelled like rotten milk.
قصص عامةIt all started in a little unknown town of California. A group of kids eventually befriended each other due to their parent's frequent get togethers. It's ten years later.. 2026. The group has lost their connection, until that one Friday night that...