Ch-3 My First disaster

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Oh  yes,another hangout tonight!"Not another tripping when you know what a mess you are in your hangover "screamed Edward, my all time childhood buddy. Can"t keep calm over my senses when i get a hangover,but nothing to fear when you are near Eddy!
"But you  decided not to get along with any tripping anymore?" said Eddy. Have surely decided Eddy,but from the next time!.."Oh Jesus, this bozzo is never going to change."said Eddy in a disgusting voice. I winked at him and went for the changeover.
"Oh Jesus, soon send an angel for this bozzo to keep his life set" said he in tone so that i could hear him. I acted like i unheard him and pulled him out to my car,his fierce face kept chasing me for the next half hour though he looked quite a stupid kid in that look. I am basically a lazy spoiled brat as peope say but who cares? its my life and i"ll live the way i wish to......

Enjoyed that evening in the pub with cute cheeks and my buddy Eddy!

I don"t understand how studip it is to bring a girl in your life  just to make your life set when i believe they are a complete mess. Huh, how studip those guys are who get along in a relationship being their baby's slave.

"Why are you so against being in a relationship bozzo?"asked Eddy .
Don"t you know how I got messed up with that moron for  a long 6 months. Gosh i so damn hate that bitch.
"Calm down,she was your first love afterall."said he in a teasing tone . I gave him a quick fierce look which i always gave everytime he tries teasing me for my childish past.

I used to love a girl who was 2 years elder to me. All my friends knew about her. I was crazily mad for her so i finally went to her one day and said "Dear, I...i...wanted to say you something."
Came a response...."Yes!"
"You are such a beauty!"...(blushed)
"Thank you kid"!(KID,oh how heavengly it sounded in her soft melodious tone)..
"I you Suzan"(in a blushing tone)
"Love you too,kid" said she and winked at me and went away....(i was out of the world and got my nerves away for the next few seconds.) OH GOD,HOW HAPPY I WAS. WE THEN USED TO TALK,HANGOUT TOGETHER.
Everything was going so well. I so much loved her company.

*6 months passed by*

One fine day....(in our school yard behind the red cactus,when i was passing by with two of my mates,i saw a very similar body walking hand in hand with the tall handsome headboy of our heart beat faster cause i got  a similar essence of Suzan around though i prayed harder and hoped that i must be wrong,...i went closer , my heart pumping faster and faster and a moment came and i went dumbstruck and tears rolled down my cheecks....oh!Suzan she was.My broken heart couldn"t spell another word. With great despair i came back to my house and locked myself in my room. What did i do wrong to deserve something like this. Oh God i wasn"t expecting that.

(I cried the whole night and i couldn't attend the next two days as i got sick.)

I finally decided to speak up to Suzan.

The next morning....
I went to her...
"Yes kiddo, said she and kissed me!"..( my heart got broken thinking this cute lady is such a bitch)
I saw you with the school headboy yesterday back in the yard! You were holding his hand as if he is your man!..

"Haa so whats wrong in holding my guy?"said she.
Your guy? But you are mine? Aren't you? We're dating each other from last 6 months!
"Wait! Wait! Hold on...Did you just say we are dating? Have you gone out of your mind ?".
What are you saying Suzan? You said you love me? And we hanged out, for so long together..
"So ? So you thought we are in a relationship? Ofcourse i said i love you. And yes i do. But like a baby brother. You are too cute !".

Tears rolled down my delicate lashes, i didn't know how to react! I didn't say anything just gave a kiss on her cheeks and said "bye honey"..... that was the list time i met that bitch...i didn't know i should be angry for such a mess or should beat up myself for being such an idiot!

I was so annoyed with this incident that started believing that there is so much more to do in this world rather than wasting your time in these kinda hassy relationship with cheesy ladies when you can get entertained by them with a handful of money.

"But not every girl is a  mess buzzo!"exclaimes Eddy.
Ofcourse they are such toys who runs for the ones' who has a great body and a plenty to spend on them!..i shouted.
"Bdw you cute moron,your first experience was quiet a disaster! Haha!"..said  he (laughing)
I gave him a scary glance and he kept calm!...

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