Chapter 3

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A/n heres the next chap hope you enjoy it :)

Loke p.o.v 

i was to busy fighting this dude trying to keep my Lucy safe but i still failed, i just finished beating this bastard up when i felt like i had been stabbed in the heart which only meant one thing,i turned to look behind me and my worse nightmare came true "you son of a bitch " i released a burst of energy knocking everyone out and i meant everyone even lucy, i quickly grabbed  her picking her up bridal style and running away from the scene before me and realised the only place i could take her was to our guild, wendy could heal her but i just hope its not to server

Time Skip

my power was nearly all gone which meant i had to return to the celestial realm, crap I'm so close this can't happen now it just can't, Lucy was the best owner any of the spirits owned she treated us like friends and family not like slaves or a weapon, we all loved her if anything happened to her we wouldn't know what we would do, even our king agrees he loves her as well, i] sighed i was so close to the guild i couldn't fail now with each step i took i was scanning around hoping id see someone who could deliver lucy to the guild i was starting to lose hope until i saw  a certain red hairs mage " ERZA " i yelled trying to get her attention but it wasn't working "ERZA " i yelled again hoping this time it worked and thankfully it did she slowly turned around looking angry with one hand holding a piece of strawberry cake but once her eyes landed on me that angry expression turn to worried and sadness, she ran towards me " What happened, tell me now" i couldn't answer her because i knew i didn't have enough time to explain the whole thing so i did the next thing i could , just as she was in reach i passed lucy to her before saying" I'm sorry, please take her to Wendy" and with that i vanished back to the spirit realm

Erza's p.o.v

I was a little upset at the guys for getting Lucy's top dirty earlier i did end up punishing them but i feel like its not enough i feel like i should be punished as well i frowned recalling the look she had on her face when i mentioned for someone to get her a new top, she looked worried and sad before scurrying of and taking a solo mission I'm guessing she wanted to get out of the guild but for some reason she didn't look at the mission i sighed and walked around town for awhile hoping to find something to apologise with i don't want her hating me, I came across a delicious looking cake shop on my travels around town, i entered the hop and looked around seeing all the star berry flavoured everything and my mouth watered " may i have one of your best strawberry cake please" i asked the shop keeper she just smiled and nodded before saying " wait a few minutes please"  

Maybe i should by one for lucy speaking of her i wonder how her mission is doing, i wonder if she's injured or come out un harmed I'm sure her spirits would protect her, a few minutes later the lady came out and handed me something a package " one of our best strawberry cakes i hope you enjoy " i bowed before grabbing the package and thanking the lady " that will be 5000 jewels please" i handed the lady money before walking out the door before bowing at the lady again" thank you ma'am" i said to the lady " erza" i heard my name being called but it sounded distant, "erza i heard it again but it seemed closer i turned around to where the sound come from and saw Loke holding a body it wasn't anybody it was a beautiful blonde girl wait no it was Lucy i quickly ran over to them hoping she was okay " What Happened, tell me now " i said hoping he would answer but when i got there Loke handed me Lucy " I'm sorry, please take her to Wendy" after he said that he just disappeared i looked at the girl now in my arms i couldn't help but admire the blonde beauty 

I shook my head and quickly ran to the guild making sure not to move lucy to much, when i reached the guild i kicked the doors open and yelled " WENDY,HELP ITS URGENT" the little blue haired girl ran towards me panicking "erza-san what happened" she said looking at the girl in my arms "I'm not sure but please help her " Wendy nodded and begun healing Lucy

 A few minutes passed and wendy was still healing Lucy what trouble did she get herself into, i stared at her in my arms i couldn't help wonder how much she had fought, why Loke carried her all the way here, who gave her that stab wound so many questions i wondered about and yet no answers i could feel myself getting angry  "umm Erza-san please calm down " little Wendy said slightly scared and out of breath "i finished healing the best i can she will need some rest but some the damage i couldn't heal fully " i looked at her and smiled softly " ill take her to the infirmary" i said heading that way. 

I put Lucy down on a bed and pulled the blankets over her before moving a stray piece of hair out of her face and sighed i swear I'm going to get to the bottom of this i mean Lucy is the light of our guild she was the one who brightened everything up brought everyone together, countless times she sacrificed her self for us and helped us out and anyone who hurts one of our family members shall receive punishment and feel our wrath, "Erza" i heard a soft moan come from Lucy she must be dreaming about something to do with me but what "please don't do this" wait what would i do to make Lucy say that damn it i ran a hand through my hair and sighed i really wanted to know i turned around to walk out the door when a scream "ERZA" i spun around quickly and saw Lucy sitting up sweating looking like she was about to cry i didn't want to she her cry so i walked over to her my armour no longer equipped and pulled her into my arms as i did so the door burst open revealing Gray,Natsu,Levy, and happy  "Luce/Lushy/Lu/ Lucy" wait when did Natsu and Gray get back "What happened to luce" Natsu spoke first

I went to explain to them what happened but i felt a tug on my top and a soft whisper "please don't i will do it" i just nodded and ran my hand through her beautiful blonde hair causing a slight moan from her, she turned her head so that she layed her head on my shoulder but could see everyone that was standing at the door " i was doing a mission to capture bandits one thing lead to another and well i was stabbed " she winced as she moved slightly and i remembered she wasn't fully healed " I'm going to beat those lousy bandits " Natsu said lighting his hands on fire and cracked his knuckles "aye sir" happy said flying above natsu, Levy was no longer there and Gray had since stripped down to his boxers " out now and Gray your clothes" i said holding Lucy tighter making sure i don't hurt her " no" flame brain said i mean natsu said "what did you just say" i said letting my evil aria out they backed away and ran out the door closing slamming it.

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