Chapter 4

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Lucy P.ov

After Erza had managed to scare the boys out go the room, i couldn't help but noticed the way she looked at them like she was bout to kill them for something they did but i didn't understand why i mean yeah she did that look to stop them from fighting and stuff like that but this look was different i couldn't pin point what it was  "Erza"  i said hoping i got her attention but it didn't workI grabbed her hand  " Erza i am alright now "  i leant back a little bit ignoring the pain shooting up my body, she looked at me  with a soft and caring expression  " you are not alright Lucy you need to rest"  she gently pushed my shoulders back making me lay down but as she did so Mira walked in with some bandages and a water basin, when she looked up she had look where she was up to mischief and i couldn't help but shiver  at the thoughts running through my mind at what Mira was up to  " hello you two "  she said placing the basin down on the desk next to the bed. Erza stood up as Mira placed the basin down and headed toward the door " ill be back to cheek on you later" i didn't have time to reply because before i did she left the room 

" so you and Erza"  Mira asked looking at me while getting the bandages and ready  " what about me and erza mira"  i asked raising  an eyebrow at her  " ohh don't be like that you know what i mean Lucy its obvious " she bagan taking my top of " i really dont' know what your talking about " i lifted my arms wincing as the pain from my wound was still there i guess Wendy couldn't heal everything, i don't even remember getting the wound  " seriously Lucy i know what love looks like when i see it do i really have to spell it out for you  " i looked down as tears started forming in my eyes from both the wound and all the feelings i've been bottling up 

" i get it you know"  Mira said pausing slightly to  begin to wash my wound  " you love her but cant say or do anything about it because your afraid and scared, your afraid that if you say anything you may end up ruining the friendship you have now with her that you may end up losing her completely" Mira paused again rinsing the cloth " you long to have and hold her to have her in your arms or be in her arms " Mira smiled began wiping my wound again " i do understand how you feel Lucy and i can see you love Erza i'm not a blind fool " i let a few tears slip with every word that was said it brought me closer and closer to breaking down " but want to know something, i've known Erza for as long as i can remember and she would never let anything come between those she cared for, sure she scares most of the guild but behind her glare and exterior is just a girl like any of us " Mira finished dressing the wound and bandaged it up " i suggest you talk to her Lucy or you may find all your bottled up feeling will eat away at you slowly" with that Mira just smiled and left taking the water basin with her. 

when she was out of the room and the door shut behind her i let everything go and started crying, all my feelings coming out i couldn't  believe everything thats happened i brought my knees up to my chest and cried into them ignoring the searing pain maybe Mira was right maybe i should talk to Erza maybe she wouldn't hate me, maybe just maybe i may feel a little better there is so many maybes running through my head but they where just possibilities " i need to muster up some courage after everything we have been through together i cant let this ruin things "  i sighed as i mumbled to myself

after i got myself together and washed my face i decided it was time to finally tell Erza how i feel, i slowly got up feeling around for my keys, i found them under my pillow, weird spot but i smiled and held them to my chest " i'm sorry guys for letting you down"  i hope they heard me , i slowly walked towards the door pausing as my hand came into contact of the door handle, can i really do this i thought theres no use backing out now i sighed shaking my head getting rid of my thoughts, i opened the door and started walking toward the guild bar, i was a few meters away from making it to my destination when i heard something i shouldn't have " hey Erza how is it going with Jellal" it was Cana's voice wait what does she mean how are things going  

i stood hidden from the guild listening to the conversation i know i shouldn't but i couldn't help it " what do you mean Cana" i heard Erza voice, i guess they are talking " oh you know have you guys kissed yet or maybe you have gone further then that" i swear she was smirking i could hear it in her voice, i peaked around the corner looking at the both of them, Cana was drinking her barrel of booze and Erza was eating her usual strawberry cake but when i looked close i noticed she was blushing something inside me broke " no of course no Cana we  haven't kissed, i'm sure he wouldn't want to kiss me anyways" she turned her head to look at Cana before smiling at her with that beautiful smile she had, that very same smile i love seeing but she was smiling because of him, he brought that smile out and not me why couldn't it be me, i gripped my top above my heart feeling it break slowly

" i need to leave " i mumbled to myself but i didn't know where to go i could go out the back but someone will see me and i cant go out the front either because Erza would see me and i really don't want to face her not now , i didn't have enough magic either to summon one of my spirits but there was only once choice wi slowly walked back to the infirmary and locked the door behind so no one would come in, i looked at the beds and grabbed a couple of sheets and tied then securely together i chuckled a little its almost as if i'm breaking out of jail or something " i guess this will do" i tied one end around a bolted down bed and threw the rest of the sheet outside it wasn't that long of a drop so it wouldn't take long if i jump it would do some serious damage and i couldn't risk that  i just hope the bandage lasts

Time skip

i looked up at the sky, it was getting dark i didn't even know where i was going i've been walking for a few hours after my little get away i didn't really know where i would go i couldn't go back home because i knew Natsu, Gray and Happy would be crashing the place right about now and i wanted to be alone to sort myself out but i also knew i couldn't keep walking especially now that my top now had a patch of blood which seems to be getting bigger by the minute, i took in my surroundings and saw nothing but trees all around, " forest just great what am i going to do " i mumbled i hope ill be bale to summon someone soon for help, i looked around to see if there was any type of shelter near by but what caught my attention was the sound of water running i smiled and made my way toward the sound clutching at my wound 

once i made it to where the sound was coming from, there was a small stream in the middle of a small clearing, i walked toward the stream kneeling down the best i could i placed my hand into the water and smiled, the water was nice and cold and somewhat relaxing, i'm not sure what happened  but as i leant forward to splash water in my face i blacked out 

a/n please tell me if the chapters are too short and ill try add more on

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