losing your Virginity for boys

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Guys, losing your virginity is a big deal, regardless of how many of your friends shrug it off or how often you see and hear about it, when the moment comes - it's just you and them and you only get one first time. It'll more than likely be a total disaster so why not take the time to read this, it might put your mind somewhat at ease.

Are You Ready?

When it finally comes to the moment of you losing your virginity you have to ask yourself, are you doing it with someone you really want to lose your virginity with? Or is it a drunken thing where you find yourself headed back to someones house that you barely know? Don't get me wrong, plenty of guys lose their v plates this way and on the surface it would appear that it matters more to girls than guys who they lose it to, but maybe that isn't the case. If that is the way you plan to lose it just make sure that you know you won't regret a drunken hook up, it could also be a nervous thing that you've chosen to lose it on a drunken night out so just be aware of that too.

You need to be aware that it will be more painful for her than for you and that in many cases she may bleed due to the tearing of the hymen. This is nothing to be worried about and its not that you're too big for her (so don't get a big head), you will both eventually adjust and start to enjoy it...Include foreplay in the act as if it is her first time, you will more than likely have to turn her on to get her as wet as possible to prepare for your impending arrival.


You may not have considered it until now but hygiene is extremely important when it comes to sexual interaction. Take some time to groom yourself, do a bit of gardening and the like. You'll thank me for it later...it's very en vogue at the moment and the chances are she will have done the same..well, these days anyway.

The Venue

You should also look to have it somewhere comfortable as to make you comfortable, there's no point in meeting up in a field, it can cheapen the moment, as can booking a hotel, but then...each to their own and all that.

Wrap it up..

Perhaps up to this stage you haven't been wrapping it because you've only been fapping it...well from here on out comes responsibility. If you don't want the worry of missed periods or pregnancy then the only way is to wear protection. Possibly something like 'Durex Performa' that contains Benzocaine which can also help you last a little longer, if you're a bit nerve racked you may lose a little control, and believe me, you will be a bit nerve wracked regardless of the bravado you show.


Lube may not be a bad idea, especially if your partner is also about to lose her virginity too...you don't want to end up breaking the banjo string (ouch!)


Don't be comparing yourself to the porn stars you have probably been consuming online because none of that will be anything like what you will go through.

Don't rush it, take the time to relax each other, the worst possible thing you can do it force it.

Don't forget that there are two people in this act and regardless of all the fumbling you may do, see to it that you give as much attention to your partner as you would like to get yourself.

Don't worry if it doesn't go right the first time, take it slowly.

Don't pressure whoever you're with, they might back out at the last minute which can be frustrating. Be patient, it's a big deal. You have your whole life to make up for lost time.

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