Chapter 34 The Secret Found Out

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Selena Pov
I woke up at 6am since it was Wednesday I had to leave at 7am and go straight to my secret lessons. These lessons are from 8am to midday and I love to go there because it is the only place i trust to be the old me. When 8am strikes on the clock you have to get ready and eat breakfast, 9-10 is exercising or practicing and 11-12 is conversations. So I took a shower and decided to take my handbag and gym bag. I decided to wear a pair of black short pants and a red sports bra with a pair of red and black Nikes. My hair was in a ponytail and I left a note telling Shane to let the others know that I have no morning classes and my classes start at 1pm and finish at 3pm. I left in my black Sportscar and got there at 7:55am since I had 5 minutes to spear I took out my mp3 and hit play all playlist. When it was time to begin I got up and started to do as the instructor said. The instructor who I like to call Mr.Sexy was telling us to stretch our muscles and then hit all of the sports in which we participate in so I started off with kickboxing and I beat 5 of the toughest men, then basketball and I won 5 games, then netball and I won 4 games, them karate and I beat 5 black belts, then kong-fu and I beat 5 men, then volleyball and I won 4 games, then swimming with Mr.Sexy and guess what I beat him 4 times in a row, then we discover that there was a section for gangsters and I tried it out and I beat the toughest gang in the room at that moment. It was now time for the conversation Mr.Sexy was a little flirtatious with me and I gave him the cold shoulder. Mr.Sexy asked me the one question that I wished he didn't which was "are you available this evening." At that specific moment the door was pushed right open and in came Shane and the others and they looked at me shocked but Shane was currently telling Mr.Sexy that I was taken. My one place that I could be the old me was no longer safe and guess what they saw me training and know that I haven't given up on the old me and the new me was all a disguise. I went to changed into a pair of black jeans with a red strapless back out and a pair of sandals. And as I left I said "goodbye Mr.Sexy" and Shane got supremely jealous but before he could say something I drove off and when I got to Thea's place I parked and texted Mr.Sexy and let him know that I will see him at 6pm by the restaurant a block away from the mall and he said okay then I drove home where everyone was waiting for an explanation.

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