Chapter 57 Bachelor's Party

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No Pov
All of the guys were at one of Shane and Shawn's mansions. It was 2 hour drive from their apartment. John was the first one up and he decided to prank the others. So John put hot pepper in the pancake mixture since he was supposed to do,vreakfast this morning and he did those pancakes with hot pepper first and put them on the plates. Then he did his pancakes and sit down and eat his. When the others came down they saw him eating his pancakes and decided to eat theirs and guess what, their tongues where on fire and John was dying of laughter.

Shane: I'mma get ya John

Shawn: I wid ya pun dat bro.

Josh: I gine help too.

John ran for his life as he was being chased by the twin and Josh. He ran into a dead end and was cornered by them. John was begging for mercy which never came. Shane took took the pepper and force it down John's throat, Shawn gave John some hot water and it was hot like if it was now on the stove and John drank it and got his tongue burned, while Josh gave him some ice in water that had jalapeño sprinkled in it, John drank it and everyone was laughing at him as he yelled and screamed how sorry he was.

Later That Day

It was now time for the big event the bachelor's party and who was in charge well one of Shae's brothers. His name is Mario and he is 1 year older than Shae which makes him 25. He was here since this morning but he slept during the whole morning now it's like 6pm and he decides to wake up now. Shane was wearing a black jeans and a red shirt with red and black Adidas. John was wearing a black jeans and a brown shirt with a black jacket and brown boots. Shawn was wearing a black jeans and a purple shirt with purple and black Jordans. Josh was wearing a black jeans and a blue shirt with black and blue Adidas. Mario, however was wearing a black jeans and a black and white shirt with black and white Nikes. They got in a limo and drove us to some club.

Mario: okay guys I have specific orders from the girls to not let y'all do anything that would jeopardize a relationship but who says a boy can't have fun, no one so here's what we doing.

Shane had to go and ask a girl for her number and order a jello shot, which he was afraid to do.
John had to go and get a lap dance from a girl and ask her for her business number.
Shawn had to sing for a girl who has the same name as his fiancé.
And Josh had to go to a girl at the bar and order a sex on the beach for her.

All of the boys were afraid to their task so it took a total of 1 hour and 30 minutes before they did it. While Mario had to just enjoy himself at the bar. They left to go and eat something thankfully no one was drunk and after they ate, they went to relax in a spa and get a massage from some girls who everyone thought was hot. When they got home the mansion had alot of strippers inside with another boy named Kemal who is Thea's mad older brother but from another father. He told the strippers to give every male a lap dance or two and make sure they had a good time. Shane, John, Shawn, Josh, Mario and Kemal had so much fun that they passed out after drinking so all the beers in the house and all of champagne in the house.

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