Chapter 11|Zemirs Dream

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*Dream of Zemir*

I saw Aira there

"Hi Aira!" I shouted

She didnt look back... I went infront of her and saw her crying...

"A-Are y-you ok??" I asked

She didnt respond

"Hey, can you hear me?!" I asked once again

I asked 10 more times but she didnt answer... Then suddenly she looked at the side and saw...

Me with another girl...the girls face wasnt really that clear... But is she crying cause of that?

I ran to them... Then suddenly it darkend

*End of dream*

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* the alarm clock rang

"Huh?" I said looking at the time

"2:00 AM?!!? HOW EARLY DID I SET MY ALARM TO?!" I whispered shout

There I couldnt sleep so I texted Aira.

Zemir:Hey, u awake?
Zemir:I cant sleep 0-0
Aira:ive heard that if u cant sleep someones thingking about you
Zemir: 0/////0
Aira: and if your still awake yiur in someones dream
Zemir:then that means...
Zemir: >\\\\\\\<
Aira: wat?
Zemir: im gonna do something sooooo talk to u later...
Aira: ok
Zemir:one question
Zemir: what time did u sleep?
Aira:i didnt sleep at all
Zemir: ok!! ^^

Does that mean I was thinking about her? She wasnt able to sleep...and I saw her in my dream...then...

0///////0... >\\\\\\\\\<


Sorry for the short chapter... Its just that chapter 12 will take a while... A REALLY LONG WHILE... So hang in there^^..



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