Chapter 12| Aira's Diary

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-Morning:At School-

Zemirs PoV

I entered the classroom and saw Amy there... with this face...?

"Oh Zemiree, Did you miss me?" she said with a disgusting voice

"uhhh no" I replied

"No need to be so cold" Amy said leaning towards me

"Oi, Zemir did you make it?" a voice was heard from behind

"Make what?" I asked looking back and giving a ^~^ face

"Whats that face for? =.=" Aira replied

Amy rushed in between us and pulled my face near hers

"And here comes Airia trying to steal Zemiree from me, Hmph pathetic right Zemiree?" Amy stated

"Its actually Aira, And who are you to say that to 'Zemirs' bestfriend?" Aira exclaimed

Amy hair flipped and walked outside making her purposely bump into Airas shoulders.

"Tha--" I didnt complete my sentence

"Ok, back to topic did you do it?" Aira interupted

"" I replied looking down

"Fine, are you free after school?" She asked

"Y-Yeah why?" 

"Talk to you after classes then"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip:After school~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I saw Aira at the school gates. What does she want to talk about?

"Finally, ok lets go"

"W-Where?" I asked

"To my house of course--"

0////////////0 t-to Airas house?!

"To do the Music Project" She continued

oh yeah I didnt do it. We had a deal that i'll compose the piece and she'll play it in the piano but I didnt do it so-- ok I get it

-Airas House-

She said follow me--wait why are we going through the back door????

"psst, why are we go--"

"shhhhhhhh" she interupted

We entered the house and saw Airas sister infront of the front door holding-- PIE?!-- wait... WHY?!?!... oh wait that rhymed 

ok I get it she was about throw it at our faces--does she know that I was going to Airas house??

Then I saw Aira approach to the fridge and got a pie-- oh no she wont

"150 wins" Aira said throwing the pie to her sister

150...then that means...HOW MANY PIES DO THEY HAVE?!

"awww no fair" the sister of Aira said while licking the pie thats all over her face

"Dont disturb we will be doing a project" Aira said

Airas Sister gasped and smirked

"What kind of project?^^" she asked

Aira face palmed and started counting





Airas sister started running to her room and locked it up

Aira sighed and pulled my arm going upstairs

She opened this room and I saw A piano and a guitar a bed and more ((stuff in bedrooms))

"Stay here ill go get some food" Aira said

I nodded and Aira left the room. I sat down at this pillow thingy... its soooooooo soft--hmmm? whats this? I saw a book under this table, I got it and saw it was Airas Diary-- her diary.... hmmmmmmmmmm >=}

boring stuff...boring stuff...bori-- huh? whats this?

Dear Diary,
Today I saw him--as always^^ looking cute and stuff but... someone im really annoyed at always wants to get my attention always barges in =.= 
          But im planning to give him something. But not now maybe next time... this is really short soooo          Bye~

SHE DIDNT MENTION THE NAME!!!! WHY?!!!  I heard the door open and saw Aira with some chocolate, cookies,cake,ice cream and hot chocolate--HOW RICH ARE THEY?!? but good thing I hid the diary before she saw me holding it... Aira approached me and asked

"Whats behind you?"

"My back is a little bit itchy..."

"uhhmm ok then, lets eat"

We ate and I walked around for a bit and saw this paper on a folder. I checked it and it was something...

Theres always something behind everything...
A little Truth in every "Just Kidding"

A little Knowledge in every "I dont know"

A little emotion in every "I dont care"

And a little Pain behind every "its okay"


"MINDYOUROWNSTUFFSTUPID" Aira shouted while grabbing the paper from my hand

"well its nice" I replied

"shut up and Lets compose that piece..."

"ok madam"

-at my house-
good my parent isnt home yet. So i went to my room and fell flat on the bed...

but who was that "him" and someone who annoys her..? me...? Well I accept I do annoy her a lot... theres no way im that "him"...

why do I feel sad...?

HI GUYS!!! sorry for short chapter... but how are you peepzz?? And that something there a while ago is something I didnt make but I found it on Pinterest and I really liked it and theres more than that, I found a lot...





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