Chapter 2

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                             I really have to live that jerk.
I said walking inside my house waiting for him. Today was Saturday atleast no school.
I turned on the tv watchinb running man.

Ding Dong~

Huh? That's weird he's an hour early.
I walked towards my door confused. I opened it and saw.

Taehyung's POV

I didn't have anything to do today I was bored so I thought of coming early to that brat's house.......Atleast she will entertain me.
I was close to her house when i saw a boy infront of her door. I was confused I hid behind a tree and peak at them.

Sarang: OMayGoddddd My Kookie is baaaaccckkkkk!!!!!!!

Jungkook: Wahhhhhh!!!I miss my Lelie (Sarang's nickname).
The boy hugged her lifting her up.

*What the fuck does she have boyfriend.......What's with the My kookie and My Lelie. What the hell is going on. I wanted her to entertain me and this is what she does. Typical Brat!* Why do I even care.

Sarang's POV

He free me from his warm nice hug.

Jungkook: Woah.....My lelie is still so small.

I bushed "Yah I am not that....s-small"

Jungkook: Aigo! So cute.

Sarang: No your more cute.

Jungkook blushed. It was just a compliment.

Jungkook: Eh um...... are you f-free tomorrow wanna go out......I missed you and......wanna catch things up.

Sarang: YES YES YES.

Jungkook: really?! Okay then see you tomorrow My lelie.....

Sarang: Bye bye kookie.
I waved at him goodbye.

I was watching hus figure slowly disappearing.

When suddenly A familiar figure started walking towards me.

Taehyung: Your boyfriend? You seem to be flirting and calling each other's nicknames He rolled his eyes, looking pissed.

Sarang: No just my very very close friend........Why.?

Taehyung: Nothing......I just don't want my toy Hanging out with other guys.

What the......Toy?!

Sarang: What the hell are you talking about what Toy??!!!

He smirked coming closer grabbing my shirt towards him.

Taehyung: Toy. You're my new Toy! I'm gonna play with you.

Sarang: Yah!!!I'm not anyone's Toy so you bette-

He didn't even let me finish my sentence. He then pulled me touching my lips into his.
I struggled trying to push him away, but his gripped.....he was too strong. He was kissing me roughly but......somehow there is
A sweet feeling in his kisses it felt good.....he start licking my lips. Asking entrance for his tongue. I resist pushing him away.
But then he grabbed me closer, tighter biting my lips letting me moan in pleasure he then got the apportunity to explore his tongue inside
My mouth playing with my tongue......I couldn't resist him this felt good.......but then his words come back.
"Toy. Your my toy. I'm gonna play with you!" It makes me realize all this doings to him was all fake I am just a toy, he is just playing with my weak broken heart........I dont want this hurts and I don't know why I hate him..........I hate him......he's a jerk......don't fall for his stupid actions. I pushed him away and didn't notice tears were flowing down my eyes.........I couldn't help hurts me knowing I am just a toy to the person I love for how many years........

Taehyung's POV

She was crying.......why......I hate people cry, or get hurt infront of makes my old self come back.
Why .....sarang you make me feel this way.

Taeyunh: I- uh.....I'm.....

Sarang: P-please s-stop it......I don't want to be a toy!
I want to be treated normally I want to be loved........once only......and yet you treat my like a are playing with my heart that is torn and broken inside.
I am not a toy......I have a feelings I have emotions and those emotions are hurt. It hurts me knowing you Treating me like some kind of stupid toy machine.All this years I have been watching over you from a far away distance.....buying you food,taking your notebook and doing your home works you couldn't do, instead you go to detention, getting punished for all your stupid acts and attitudes I begged for the teacher to just let it be me........I was observing everything I was there seeing you mad,cry,smile, and.....fall in love with a girl that hates you. It hurts me because.......because I Love You.

I was shocked she was there for me since then, she looked out for me since then ,She sacrifice for me since then....she cared for me since then...........she loved me since then.

Broken HEART "Kim Taehyung"Where stories live. Discover now