Chapter 1 getting to known Taylor

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Hi my name is Taylor jay cole. I live in Stratford ,Ontario,Canada ,I have been living here since was 2 years old . My dad left when I was ten . I live with my mom , Erika , my stepdad, Jason , and my younger brother ,jay jay. I go to James devilson high school. I have a bestfriend named Jennifer potato. I am the bad girl of the school I break every single rule ,I break the dress code get written up all the time. I do everything I get in to fights every once in a red moon. I always had this crazy fantasy that I was apart of a gang and they protected me from Jason (stepdad) . I am nice to everyone unless they start with me. But there is this one guy that came here his name is justin he came here thinking he runs this place well he has another thing coming . I don't let people do that but there is something about him . All the girls are drooling over him . I don't know whether it's his smile ,his hair, his caramel brown eyes,or the fact that he is a bad boy. I hide my abuse very well but what people don't know is that I'm not fearless I am afarid of a lot of things . Some reason . I have many thing I like to think about like why I can't stop thinking about justin now . I have this feeling that I have to be near him I don't know why but I do .

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