Chapter 2

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The summer breeze whipped past Nishinoya, slapping his clothes against his body. His eyes wandered over his surroundings and settled on the only place he understood. Unconsciously, he stepped towards his home with his younger sister on his back and both their luggage in his hands. Her squeal erupted from the excitement of moving from her onii-chan's shoulders. He hadn't noticed the extra weight he was carrying, otherwise it would not be there. Instead he was entranced with the blossoms blooming beside his house. It was almost metaphorical; the way they bloom so elegantly and portray beauty, but disappear so soon.

His mother unlocked the front door an hoisted Charlotte from his shoulders, allowing him to move freely with the luggage.

It wasn't so much that his home made him feel nostalgic or welcome again, it was more that Yū had forgotten the tiny details and beauties of the place. When he was younger, he would spend hours on end laying on the fresh grass by the road and staring up at the way the stars shone brighter than any other light he had seen before.

It was easy to see the stars for Yū seeing as they had always lived in a remote area. There were barely any cars, any lights and no pollution.

When Charlotte was born, it was as if a whole new light had been born too. He'd forgotten about the stars, and the cherry blossoms and the tree houses. He spent all his time with her, nurturing her, watching shows with her, teaching her, playing games with her, just the way he thought a brother should. He may have forgotten to live his own life but one question still remained in his head at that point: what was his life?

It was at this point, the point where Charlotte no longer needed help, that Yū Nishinoya fell in love with Volleyball.

At first it wasn't volleyball, it was other sports like football and basketball, at one point he even tried swimming but it didn't go so well. he had found volleyball last, after he had given up.

It was by chance, just like most stories, it was a new beginning.

First day of Chidoriyama Junior High, Yū started out as an eager first year. he was ready for new friends and new school activities. Sports clubs. Sport was something he always looked up to, it made him feel better about everything in general.

The fateful meeting happened as Nishinoya was walking past the school gym and, being the nosey child he was, peered inside. Unfortunately he couldn't get away as hoped, because a third year managed to notice him staring in and invited him over.
At that point in his life he would have liked to say that it ended as soon as it started, however that was not the case.

The third year captain, Youka-kun, wanted to play a practice match with a few of the first years that had signed up. Overall, the team didn't have many members anyway and being a Junior High school meant that not everyone had great experience. So he forced Yū into filling out a spot.

See, Charlotte was a wild child, even as a baby. As a five year old, Yū made it his job to make sure that nothing she did had any bad consequences. So when it came to playing libero on his schools volleyball team, it was a piece of cake.

'Don't let the ball touch the ground?' He thought, 'Why couldn't they just do this themselves?'

After that day, he joined Chidoriyama Junior High's volleyball team and became their official libero.


My phone chimed.

I turn my head slowly to take a loot at it lying on the side drawer beside my bed. My hands unfolded from my stomach and I stuck one out to reach for it.

It was a message from Sugawara-san.


Hope you're keeping up with training, sorry I haven't been in contact. Broke my phone 😳. We should all meet up soon. Let's plan a date.'

It was to a group chat message, had he gathered everyone's numbers together? I noticed our third years weren't included however. Though there were only two of them and they weren't the friendliest people. I suppose they wouldn't have wanted to be in the group anyway.

I don't reply.

I knew inside that I would go to a meet up if they scheduled one however.

It's not long before Daichi and Chikara replies.

I trudge downstairs looking for something to eat. I peep my head into the living room on the way and see Charlotte resting on the couch, my mom resting right beside her. Smiling slightly, I continue into the kitchen and end up finding about 100 different food items for me to eat.

I manage to sneak them into my room quickly before my mom woke up or I dropped anything.


What the hell was that for? I didn't ask for that.

Nah, I'm putting on a movie to distract me from everything. It's just that there are so many to choose from, like what genre would I prefer?

After about ten minutes I choose the Step Up series and lay back in my bed staring up at the TV opposite it on my wall. I love dancing, though it's not my passion or anything, this movie really brings that side of me out again.

I stayed completely distracted while binge watching all of the movies, though I did stay up very late because of it. Not that it matters, because even though the clock beside my bed reads '4:32am' I still feel just as awake as I would during the day.

I switch the TV off with the remote and lay my head back, my eyes began to close and I just imagined being back on that court again with my team mates. I'd come far with them and now I'm going into my second year at Karasuno High, I couldn't think of anything that made me happier.


Exactly 1000 words this time. I'm so happy.

Written and Published: 10/08/16 (August)

-Tadashi ;)

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