Haunted Classroom

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For this story, two of my friends helped me because for this task I had to write the start and then they had to write the middle, end ect.

I only looked away for a moment....
But when I looked back, it had disappeared. My eyes scanned the dark classroom. I knew there was something in there with me, I could feel it's cold, clammy body infront of me. I jumped and let out a shaky breath as Thunder boomed overhead. Wind Howled outside rattling the windows. I shrank back into the corner of the musty building. Lightning cracked the sky into pieces and temporarily lit up the large room. In the seconds that I could see, a face jumped out at me. I screamed and ran to the door, pounding my fists on the barred windows.
"Let me out!" I shrieked, "It's Coming to kill me!"
But there was no one. Not even a soul to help me, but there was whoever or whatever was in the room with me. Rain poured down and begin to leak from the ceiling. Drip. Drip. Drip. As I fumbled around helplessly in the darkness. I took a sneaky peek outside, but the sight of the smashed window leaves me stunned. What could've done that? All I can Think of is the creature I'm stuck with. Lightning smashes, Thunder crashes and a cold shiver shoots up my spine. The water leaks on. Drip. Drip. Drip. If only there was a way to escape this cruel, haunted place. What would happen if I didn't get out of here. would I be killed or would I live? If I did die, would I be remembered? Or forgotten? I shook my head. No, I need to focus. Something cold dripped through me. No, that not right. How could it go through me? The creature came closer, I could see its eyes that glowed like rubies when it hit the sunlight, it's jagged teeth as sharp as razor blades. It opened it's mutilated mouth and stuck a forked tongue out. I slammed my hands to the sides of my head and screamed my throat hoarse.
"Time to go home!" It hissed gleefully.
And then suddenly, I was Facing my mother. I wasn't in a haunted classroom, there was no thunder or thunder clouds, or a ruthless killer. I turned to leave when something caught my eye. A black apparition in the abandoned history classroom.
And the Window was shattered.

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