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I shrugged my wet raincoat off and slung it over the back of one of the dining room chairs. I dropped my bag down, took out all of my books and sat at the table ready to study. I ripped a blank page out of my notebook and scrawled my name hastily across the top, Monica Bronston. Just as I was putting my earphones in the sound of gentle rain falling on the corrigated iron roofed verandah stopped me. I watched as Lightning struck the sky into pieces and Thunder clapped loudly overhead, the mind-numbing silence that followed reminded me of just how alone I am. I'm not used to being in a house my myself. You see, I just persuaded my over-protective Father to let me stay at home while he picks my little sister up from school. The windows rattled violently as the rain that has now turned to hail, came down on it like a mallet on a drum. The House creaked in disagreement as the wind tried to blow it down. I shuddered as a draft slipped its way through the cracks in the walls.

As I filled the kettle with water, I saw that the little kitchen island was littered with my sister pointless drawings, most of them coloured a dark shade of blue, because of her name. Indigo was a cute kid, 3 years younger than me with extremely bushy hair and ice blue eyes. The only downside was that she was abundantly stuck up. A loud creak from above my head snapped me out of my recollation. It wasn't like your typical house creaks, this one was louder, more creepy. I shivered as another draft floated around my ankles and ricocheted up my spine. Where was it coming from? All the windows and doors were locked shut, just like I promised my father. Intrigued by the cold breeze, I followed it. I pushed open my bedroom door to find my window wide open. Cautiously, I stepped inside, yanked it down and pushed the lock deep into the window frame. I turned to walk out but a sharp wind tousled my hair. I span around to find my window just like it was

Extremely creeped out, I power walked out of the little room and locked my door shut. I side stepped out of the hallway to watch my door. Would it open? I certianly hope not! After about 5 minutes of watching intently, I gave up and retreated back to the kitchen where the kettle clicked off. This time a loud thump came from directly under me. I sprang up onto the counter like a cat jumping out of water and stared at the floor. I waited for it to crack open and a hoard of zombies to come crawling out, but no such thing happened. Now extremely petrified, I grabbed my tea and hurried back to the dining table. Thunder boomed and lightning flashed. The smell of electricals burning filled the house. Then the power went out.

I sat there cold, alone and scared senseless. I didn't dare move incase something came after me. I held my breath as the sound of footsteps came nearer and nearer. I froze to my seat as a warm breath prickled my neck. The world went silent, the only sound was my heart, beating like a bird trying to get out of its cage. I squeezed my eyes shut and let out a blood curdling scream. I slipped off my seat, under the table and ran back into the kitchen, stubbing my toe on the door frame as I went. I blindly searched the draws for a knife. I picked up my fathers Meat cleaver and held it out infront of me like a sword.
"Who-o's there?" I stammered, squatting in a corner. A girls' laugh came as my answer. A laugh like a 6 year old would laugh while playing in the snow. It sounded familiar though.
The laugh came again, only this time, evil and closer.

I almost fainted at the sound, my 10 year old sister was going to kill me. I lifted the meat cleaver over my shoulders.
" I, I'm not af-fraid of you!" I shouted, trying to sound confident. The shrill laugh rang out around me. My legs buckled under me as the sense that someone was infront of me choked my senses and my ability to think rationally. Claustrophobia set in. I gasped for air as I was cornered. I screamed again as the sensation of falling took my body in its grasp, I was going to die. Suddenly the lights flicked on.

There was no one there. No huge, monster, gigantic, killing sister there at all, only the countertop I was forced under. The thunder had gone, the rain had stopped, the sun was shining. Everything almost seemed normal. Almost. I staggered into the bathroom a d washed my face with water. When I looked back in the mirror, instead of seeing Myself, I saw Indigo, with a meat cleaver and a deadly grin.

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