Chapter 9

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Tala POV

When Marcus and the rest of his family left, I decided to ask Scott a question.

"Scott?" I ask.

He hums in response, telling me to continue.

"Why does he look at me?" I ask.

"Who, dear?" Candace asks and the others are intrigued just as well.

"Marcus. He can't take his eyes off me. The last time I saw him, I caught him staring. But, it wasn't like he was staring because he wanted too. It was like because he had to. And just now, he was staring as though I was the most beautiful thing in the world." I say, gazing out the window.

"But, I'm confused because he has a mate. Isn't it Jocelyn?" I ask and Jack clears his throat.

"Actually, Jocelyn isn't his mate. He couldn't find his. Most werewolves find their mates around the age of 16, Alphas much earlier. He's twenty five now. He feels as though he won't find his mate and he's been running this kingdom for nine years without one. It starts to take a toll on you."

I nod my head in understanding.

"Well, anyway I must go. Marcus needs me." He says and walks out the door.

"Bye!" I yell after him to hear him chuckle.

"Where did Josh go?" I ask.

"He went to get some video games for you to play with him." Scott says.

Candace, Scott, and I fall into a comfortable silence, lost in our own thoughts.

Unfortunately, mine kept drifting back to Marcus and the white wolf.

Until the door burst open and Josh came inside with which I guess are video games and a big black box thingy.

"What is that, Josh?" I ask, pointing to the big, black box thingy.

"You don't know what this is?" He asks, bewildered.

I shake my head no and a mischievous glint comes to his eyes.

"Let me catch you up so far as to what's happening in the gaming world." He says, clasping his hands together.

So, for the next thirty minutes, he tells me all about the games and the big, black box thingy: it's an Xbox 360, just one of many different gaming systems.

I also couldn't help but overhear Scott and Candace's conversation and something about chocolate chip cookies.

"I love chocolate chip cookies!" I exclaim.

"Oh, really? Time to make chocolate chip cookies!" Candace squeals and runs out the room.

"Candace, wait! We will be back." Scott yells as he follows behind Candace.

I simply smile, knowing I'm about to have some delicious chocolate chip cookies.

Josh then asks me a question I couldn't say no to: "Want to play some video games?"

I'm currently beating Josh at his own game and I like this game. Its called Destiny.

We are playing the game when we hear a knock on the door.

"Come in." I say, loudly.

I was shocked as to who walked through the door: Marcus.

"Oh, Alpha, it's you." Josh says.

"Oh, Tala, I'm gonna take Josh from you for a second. You don't mind, do you?" Marcus asks.

I smile and say "Not at all."

They walk out the door and I can tell that they are talking; about what I don't know.

I found myself wondering if I looked okay and fixed my hair. I just finished smoothing my hair down when Josh fully entered the room. I flashed him a smile and we continued to play the game.

Marcus then walks through the door.

"Hey, what brings you down here?" I ask, with a smile.

"I just wanted to see how you were holding up and you seem to be doing fine. Where did Scott and Candace go?" He says.

"They went to her house. She's gonna bring me back some chocolate chip cookies." I reply, grinning.

He smiles and I almost died.

Just then, Scott and Candace walk through the door with a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies.

"I've got cookies!" She sings and I clap my hands in excitement. All the guys chuckle at my antics but I don't care.

These are the only reasons why I go into town. But, it's been a long time since I had some freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. The last time was when my father was around.

I sigh but quickly shrug off the thought and focus on my chocolate chip cookies, the game, and my new friends.

But, every now and then, I would notice Marcus stealing glances at me.

I don't know, but I didn't feel uneasy. In fact, it was more protective than anything.

I was still playing the game and eating chocolate chip cookies when another man walks in and damn, does he look good.

Not as good as Marcus.

Shut up, brain!

The guy walks in and I recognize that it's Andre.

"Hey." I say.

"Sup." He says and I giggle.

He is definitely the goof ball around here. Just like Josh.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Marcus's fists clench and he has a locked jaw.

"Hey, Marcus, want some cookies?" I ask, holding out the plate to him.

He seems to snap out of his angry trance and walks over to me, taking a cookie off the plate.

"It's good, isn't it?" I ask, munching on my own cookie.

He hums in response and replies, "Yeah, this is good. Candace, you should bake some more cookies for the ceremony."

"What ceremony?" I ask.

"I'm being accepted as a pack member." Scott says and I smile.

"And you weren't gonna tell me? That's rude." I say, crossing my arms with a smile on my face.

He smiles sheepishly and says "Surprise."

I giggle and open my arms.

"Come here, you big oaf. I'm happy for you." I say.

He smiles and walks over to me and we embrace.

We part and then I realize something: will I have to be accepted into the pack?

"I know what you're thinking and it's only if you want to." Scott says looking at me and I smile.

Just then, a siren goes off.

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