Chapter 8

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Marcus POV

As Josh tells Tala about video games, I decided to take my leave.

"Tala, I hope you get well soon." I say.

She smiles at me and says "Thank you, Marcus."

I smile back and leave, my parents following me as well as Jocelyn.

We walk in silence until we reach my office.

"What the hell was that?" Jocelyn yells at me.

"What are you talking about? It's called being nice. I have to take her in. What is your problem?" I retort.

"Nothing." She says and storms out of the office.

"Jocelyn!" I yell after her but she keeps walking.

I groan and sit down in my chair.

"I guess we aren't gonna talk about decorations for the ceremony." I mumble.

"Oh, sweetheart." My mom says, walking over to me and gives me a hug.

"Tala is your mate, isn't she?" I look up and stare into the eyes of my father.

"She looked you straight in the eye and your wolf didn't come out, demanding respect." He continues.

"You need to tell Jocelyn and soon. Don't make the same mistake that I almost did." He says.

I sigh and realize what needs to be done.

"I just don't want to break her heart." I whisper.

"Unfortunately, she's already done that to be with you. She's power hungry." 

I look up to see Jack standing in the doorway.

"Wait, she rejected her mate?" I ask, surprised.

"Yea. All she ever wants is power. Ask her parents and her brother." He says.

"If you don't mind me asking, how do you know?" I ask.

The answer was a smack to the face.

"I was her mate."

My mother gasps as I sat there, in shock.

"Jack, I didn't-" He cuts me off by raising his hand.

"Its alright. It took me a year. But, I moved on. The bond broke. I'm just hoping I have a second chance mate." He says and then looks me straight in the eye "You need to take back that announcement. Come clean, say that you found your mate. I caught you staring, Marcus."

I breathe and say "Fine. I'll do it now. Tell her to come down here. Mom, Dad, you guys should leave the room." I say and everyone leaves, doing as they are told.

I sit and wait, wondering how I'm gonna tell her.

"Just say it."  Honovi says.

"You wanted to see me?" I look up to see Jocelyn, staring at me.

"Yes, come in. I have something to tell you." I say and as she walks in, Jack shuts the door behind her.

She walks in and sits down in the chair in front of my desk.

"Yes, babe?" She questions.

"I've decided to call off the ceremony, well to you that is. I found my mate and it's Tala, the human girl. You need to leave the pack house. Immediately." I say, voice void of emotion.

"Are you serious!?! You can't do this!" She screeches.

"In fact, I can for I am the Alpha King. You had your chance to be with your mate who just so happens to be my best friend. You are a power hungry bitch and I should've seen it, but my love for you blinded me. I won't allow it anymore." I say, calm but angry.

"Now, get out." I say, in my Alpha tone.

"Yes, Alpha." She says, her wolf submitting to me and gets up but at the door she turns around and says "You will regret doing this to me."

And with that, she slams the door.

Strangely, I feel at peace.

"You have accepted our mate. Now, go to her."  Honovi pipes up.

I smile, thinking of my gorgeous mate and get up out of my seat to go see her when I realize something: Jocelyn just threatened me.

I realize that my mate is fragile and needs protection.

"Jack, Andre, find me some bodyguards to protect my mate, Tala. She is in the hospital."  I link them.

"Yes, Alpha." Jack says.

Then, there is Andre.

"Yes! No more Queen bitch! I'll gladly find some guards. Wait, why?"

"Yea, why?" Jack pipes up.

"Jocelyn threatened me." I say, angrily.

They growl, angry that someone would threaten their King and their future Queen.

"We will do that right now." They say, in unison.

"Thanks, guys."

I get out of my seat and head to the hospital, going directly to my mate's room and then it hits me: how am I supposed to tell her that she, a human, is a Queen to all these werewolves?

"Take your time. She's gonna be here for awhile." Honovi pipes up.

"Be her friend. Let her warm up to you."

"Good point." I say, cutting the link.

The door is closed so I knock.

"Come in." My mate's beautiful voice reaches my ears.

I open the door to find her playing a video game with Josh. I think it's Destiny.

Anyway, they are playing a video game when I walk in.

"Oh, Alpha, it's you." Josh says.

"Uh, Tala, I'm gonna take Josh from you for a second. You don't mind, do you?" I ask.

She smiles and says "Not at all."

Josh pauses the game and walks through the door and closes it.

"What's up? You left my sister, didn't you?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Good. She wasn't good for you anyway." He says, nonchalantly.

"We should talk more later. Now, come inside and be with your mate." Josh voice rings in my head.

I smile and head inside, to see them still playing the game.

"Hey, what brings you down here?" She asks me.

"I just wanted to see how you're holding up and you seem to be doing fine. Where did Scott and Candace go?" I ask.

"They went to there house. She's gonna bring me back some chocolate chip cookies." She says, grinning.

Note to self: Buy mate her favorite cookies: chocolate chip

I smile, content with being in the presence of my beautiful human mate. 

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