Nate didnt know how it happened, or why it happened at that point, he just knew that it did happen. A fist to his temple, to be exact. A few seconds before he was merely listening politely to the banter between Jack and the woman they had met, losing himself first in the converation of his company then to the comapny of the conversation within himself, until a force grasped at his collar and turned him to his soon-to-be assailant. 

(HELLO sorry its been so long.... i havent abandoned this... im sorry it might be a while between updates but i do think of this story alot so i wont forget this so KEEP checking in i guess if you like this story lol... thanks for keeping up with me!!!!)


Nate, startled from his thoughts, could only blink in confusion as the angered man spattered him with spit as he screamed. He held up his hands, but the action accomplished nothing as a fist was raised. Nate didnt really feel the impact of the hit, didnt really even notice himself falling backwards into another table until he blinked his eyes open.

Gasps and shouts filled the bar. Nate staggered to a sitting position as his hands shook up to rub a spot on the back of his head where his skull made contact with the wooden bar table. Nates bleery eyes traveled upward at the man who has punched him. Jen looked distressed (well a little more then distressed, clutching at the mans arm and shouting, eyebrows pulled closely together). 

From the corner of his eye, Nate could see Jack sliding off of the bar stool and with wide eyes looked back and forth between the large man who was making his way towards Nate and Nate himself. 

"Stop Jason!" Jen demanded, pulling at his shirt. "I was just talking to them! They we'rent doing anything to me I swear!" 

Jason ripped his shoulder away from Jen's grasp and made his way towards Nate once more. 

Realization taking over, Jack hurried over to Jason and placed an arm around his shoulder to steer him away from Nate, dazed and wobbling with a hand placed on the table to stabilize him. 

"Hey man, we really-" Jack started, but was interupted by a snarl coming from Jason, who then whipped around and swong his fist, making contact with Jack's jaw with a loud crack. 

Nates eyes followed Jack as he recoiled from the hit, stumbling back wards and pressing a hand to the side of his jaw. Beneath his fingers blood was drawn and trickled out from a cut in Jacks lip. 

Now people around the bar started standing up out of their chairs; the telltale screeches of chair legs rubbing accross the floor. Jason turned back towards Nate and sauntered over to him, and when he was close enough, he grasped Nates chin in between his hand. 

The first thing Nate noticed was the alchohol on Jasons breath. That was actually all he noticed, the hit to his head beginning to take away all of his attention as he grew dizzier with each passing moment.

 Jason opened his mouth, but before he even got a word out, something cracked against his head. He swayed to his left, reaching out a hand and catching himself on the table as he recovered from the hit on his head. 

Nate dizzily looked up to see who had saved him from what was probably the beating of his lifetime, and blinked suprizingly at the tall shape that was Andrew dost, dinnerplate sized hands clenched at his sides, elbows slightly bent as in prepreation for a full out brawl against Jack and Nate's assailent, and, assumingly, Jen's significant other. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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