Play by Slitheen3

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 Lily walked slowly through the forest, leaves crunching under her designer boots.

"What am I even doing here?" she asked herself in a typical valley girl accent. "These woods areso creepy. I wonder if I'm getting close to that house." she re-applied her lip-gloss. She walked for a bit longer before hearing a strange sound coming from the thick brush right beside her. She froze and watched in horror as she watched it move, then took off sprinting.

"Must.... find... that... house!" She panted. Suddenly something caught her skirt, and before she could stop in time she hear a loud riiiiiiiiip.

"NO! My... my skirt... I payed so much for this thing.... When I get out of here, I'm going to STRANGLE that bitch that sent me in here!" She sighed and continued walking.

"Ring around... rosie.... full of pos.... ashes, we all... down..." A child's voice floated through the trees on the wind. Lily had seen enough horror movies to know this wasn't a good sign. She started walking faster down the narrow road in hopes she would find the house soon.

"Ring around the rossiee, pocket full of posssie, ashes, ashes, we all fall down." This time it was accompanied with ghostly laughter. She heard pounding footsteps coming from behind, and turned around to see who it was, hoping it was Hannah telling her to stop; that it was all just a joke. What she saw scared her right down the bone.

A man limped towards her. One of his legs was bent completely straight, and flew out to the side when he walked, making a circle in the air. His limp arms were bent a weird angles and his head slumped forward and back when he walked. As he got closer, Lily could see his face and clothes were covered in rills of blood. He walked slowly, but even so, she started running running.

The pounding got faster. She turned her head and saw he was right behind her. His rancid breath stank of death and his yellow crooked teeth belonged to the most disgusting mouth she had ever seen. But that's not what bothered her. What bothered her was his crazed eyes and manical laughter.

The children voices began singing again. "Ring around the rosssiee..." She ran as fast as her mini-skirt clad legs could take her. "Pocket full of possiee" Lily heard the creature hiss right behind her ear. "Ashes, ashes, we all fall down." On down he shoved her to the ground so hard it stole her breath. She opened her mouth to scream, but it was instead filled with dirt and leaves. The monster of a man flipped her onto her back and held her down, looking at her with those crazy eyes. You could tell he was insane just by looking at them.

He flipped out a switchblade.

"Ring around the rosie," He said as he carved an outline around her lips. "Pocket full of posie." He stuffed something foul and dry in her mouth, which she spit out immediately. "Ashes, ashes." He held a lighter under her right fingers, burning them. At this point Lily started to scream. Her fingers burned and blackened. They started to curl and crumbled, turning to ash.

"AHHHH!!!!! FUCK!!! FUCK!!! FUCK YOU, YOU SICK BASTARD, LET ME GOOOO!!!!!!" She screamed and struggled against the monster's fierce grip. "AAHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh...." Her scream trailed off as she realized what he was about to do.

"We all fall, " He held the switch blade over her wrist, "down." She stared in fear as he began sawing her hand from arm. She was too horrified and disgusted to make any noise. He leaned down beside her ear and whispered in a hoarse voice, "I hope you sleep well tonight." With that he got off her, picked up her hand, and started eating it while he limped away, bones crunching and flesh squelching.

Lily sobbed as the shock of what had just happened wore off, holding the stump with her remaining hand. Luckily it wasn't bleeding as bad as she thought it would, but it was still bleeding quite a bit and hurt like hell. She got up, and lo and behold, the house she was looking for was just behind a few trees in front of her.

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