When you think of a character, one of the several things you need is a name. Whether it's a Warrior name or a Tribe name, you need something good that represents you as a writer and your new OC. Now the best thing to decide before you name your cat is three things.
1. Where do they come from? A clan, a twoleg nest, a tribe?
2. What does my cat look like? Are they short or tall? Are they a tabby or even a calico?
3. What's their personality like? Do they act arrogant? Are they brave?
Once you settle these things, you can begin thinking of names. Let's use this as an example:
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
A calm but nervous Thunderclan she-cat.
Now here's another question you must ask yourself. Do I want their name to be relating to the series, or be more of a non-canon name. If you don't know the difference, allow me to show you.
Canon names are much more general, while Non-Canon may not sound like they fit into the series but have a little bit more of originality. I prefer Non-Canon names, as you can see all the Non-Canon names listed are Ocs or mine.
I'm going to base this cat's Prefix on their pelt, so let's find some Prefixes that work for a golden tabby. Some nice ones are Acorn, Golden, and Pansy. Pansy sounds rather interesting, so I'll be using that. For the Suffix, let's take her personality into account. Something that sounds calming but goes along with Pansy. Pool is known for describing cats that are calm and serene. And Pansypool sounds pretty cute. It also can go as a Canon or a Non-Canon name.
Please comment what names you were able to create because of this guide~!