◾ Beach time ◾

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~ Ashley's Point of view ~

I woke up to see I'm in calums room.. His laptop is still wide open and I turn to see a sleeping Michael beside me. Ugh! I get out of bed , but I fell down as I just noticed I tripped on Luke.

"Are you okay?" I see him wake up a bit.

"Wonderful" I say and he goes back to sleep. I get up and I walked downstairs to hear laughing at the kitchen. I walked in and Ashton and Brianna were cooking pancakes.

"Morning lovebirds" I exclaim walking in and getting some Gatorade from the fridge.

" good morning" the both say in unison.

Soon calum came into the room and ate pancakes. "What'd you guys wanna do today?" He asks

"Let's go to the beach, beach let's go get the waves" Ashton sings

"The beach?" Cal asks and everyone nods. " what about Mikey and Luke?" As I said that they both storm outta the room running down the staircase.

"Where here what's the plan?" Mikey asks getting some pancakes and then Luke follows after.

"Oh Luke where's arzaylea?" Brianna asks and he shruggs. He sits down in one of calums little bikes and goes on his phone. (The media up there!)

I told him to look at the camera and he does.. "Luke?" I say "yes baby sis?"

"How come you have dimples and I don't?" I say examining the picture I just took.

"Well, I don't know but it seems like just jack and I have dimples. They rest of the family doesn't have." He chuckles

"Guys prepare were going to the beach" calum says " Ashley and I are going back to the house. I'll go drop her and get my stuff then I'll meet you guys there" Luke says

"Bring Ashley with you! I want her to be there" Brianna says "fine!" Luke says walking out the door with me following him.

We got home and I went up and prepared my stuff. Mom hasn't come home yet and dad too. We looked at our fridge and there were notes from mom. "Ash and Luke, I left some money on the fridge spilt it for you both. Food is in the fridge. Dad and I are going to LA for 2 weeks for business. Bye and love you both. Take care!

Well, I guess were home alone again.. I got my sunscreen, flip-flops , and my bathing suit. On the way out the door Luke grabs his keys and sunglasses. I took his glasses from the car and we drove to the beach..

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