F i f t e e n

87 2 3

New message from: Tyler

Tyler: hey, I still don't know much about u

Josh: well can I trust u?

Tyler: idk can u?

Josh: ya, I think I can

Tyler: :)

Josh: so what do u want to know

Tyler: idk anything really

Josh: well first off, I'm 19... How old are you

Tyler: I'm 18 So we are almost the same age

Josh: oh cool

Tyler: ya

Josh: anything else?

Tyler: um...

Tyler: you mentioned you went to band practice, what do u play?

Josh: oh I play the drums

Tyler:  oh cool I can play guitar and sing

Josh: cool

Tyler: cool

Read 11:36 a.m.

New message: 1 - Joshler Where stories live. Discover now