This story talks about a young girl full of insecurities and no one to talk to. Every time she tries to open up the subject, she gets rejected, nobody trusts her, nobody believes in her.
It was the first day of school, Maya had just started her high school freshmen year. She was very excited but the problem was that she knew that it was going to be hard and that since she already did not have any friends, she was going to be treated as a loser.
When she walked her first steps into the school, she said to herself that she would not let herself get touched by all of the mean people out there, she wanted this year to go well, she wanted it to be the start of something new, she wanted to wake up to her dreams. Her biggest dream was to be accepted for who she was, for the wonderful young women she is.
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When she got in school, her best and only two friends were waiting for her, she was very relieved to see them, she needed someone to show her love. Those two friends were all she had and she really did not want to lose them, Vanessa was her weird but lovable friend, Carly on the other hand was the one she would usually go to when she felt hurt, when she needed someone to tell her how special she was. She knew that as long as she had both of them, her life would not be rocky.
Like in every single school in the world, there was a witch, a girl that leaked with popularity for all the wrong reasons, everyone liked her because she was making all the wrong choices, she was being mean to everyone, she was a coward inside but she did not show it. Her name was Samantha, or Sam for short. She made everyone see that she was a kind of gladiator. She was afraid someone would take her thrown but she still showed that she had a lot of confidence which can be a good thing but a bad thing too. Sometimes too much confidence makes you crack.
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There was this one boy that Maya really liked but she just wasn't able to talk to him or even look at him, she was so shy. His name was Riley, he is in the Football and basketball team. He had six pack abs and every single time she looked at him, it was like if she was stuck in the middle of the suns core. She knew that for him, she was nothing, he could not even remember her name.
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