Crazy Jasmine pt 2

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*Icy's POV*
Hannah, Zayn, and the girls were waiting in the audience while I was in the dressing room. I can't believe I was about to fucking singing front of all those people. Holy fucking fuck shit. Holy balls!
A knock on the door came. I turned to see....
He gave the most perfect, beautiful smile ever and had tons of roses in his hand. "I want to wish you good luck."
I grabbed the flowers and sniffed wonderful bliss up my nostrils.
"Thank you, Justin." I hugged him.
Yo. We're alone. This could be our chance! Kiss him, Ice! Kiss the nigga! But for some reason, I still wanted us to remain friends at the same time.
He looked into my eyes. His eyes twinkled. "You're gonna do great. I'm gonna go find Zayn and the girls."
"Okay, love you."
"Love you, too."
*Lizzy's POV*
Everyone was talking and turnt as fuck.
I looked over to Paris. She looked beautiful and so stunning.
I have always liked girls a little bit. I don't like to identify myself.
"You look very pretty, Paris," I tried to compliment her.
She was talking to Kacey, then turned to me. "Thanks, Liz." She was shy a little bit around me. I think she knows I kinda like her, but she wants to stay friends. But, I don't want to.
*No One's POV*
Nani Poon's mother, Jasmine, wiggled her way out of the vent that took her forever to get through and carried the giant saw that she was gonna use to cut a stage light on top on Icy. Jasmine was desperate to have her daughter on top. No one will ruin things her while Nani was still in the hospital.
*Justin's POV*
After forever trying to find Zayn and Hannah, I heard a voice say "Hey, Justin! Over here!"
I turned to see Zayn's skinny but muscular arm waving around. I walked to them while a rapper was performing his song.
"Hey! I haven't seen you guys in forever!" I plopped my butt onto the chair. I looked over to all the girls next to Han. They all looked at me. "How you doin ladies?!"
"Hi Justin!" They all greeted so kindly. Man, they were beautiful.
The man who was rapping was finally done with his song and held up two fingers (a peace sign). Everyone appluded. Icy's coming up next.
Then, I noticed something moving on top of the stage lights. What the fuck was it? I saw it had a red dress and heels. Wait a minute. I know her. That's Nani Poon's crazy ass mom. What was she doing the-
Oh no....
She was gonna drop something on Icy!!!!!
I tapped on Zayn vigorously.
"That's Jasmine!" I said softly enough for Hannah not to hear so she could enjoy her sister's performance.
Zayn saw her. "Aw, fuck."
"Come with me," I said.
Zayn turned to Hannah. "We're gonna use the restroom."
"Huh? Icy's up next!"
"I'm sorry, babe, we've been holding all night."
We zoomed to stop Jasmine.
We rushed backstage. I could hear Icy singing her song. She sounded beautiful. No way we could let Jasmine stop this performance.
I was dashin, bruh. I could not breathe.
We got back and saw an opened vent and a ladder.
"Go! Go!" Zayn rushed me.
"I'm going!"
Trying not to slip and rush at the same time was a bit hard. I wish I had some water.
Finally we got to the top and I saw Jasmine cutting the light. It was hot up here. Her make up was a mess and she looked like a psycho. She was evily laughing, excited to destroy Icy. Without her noticing, I ran up on her and knocked her down. Thankfully she didn't cut much at all. She growled at me and tried to hit me with the saw.
Zayn pushed her off of me and tackled and wrestled her. His hair moved around so sexy as she pushed and hit him.
I threw the saw backstage and tried to help him. Jasmine was about to bite Zayn and then I grabbed her arm and he grabbed the other. She kicked her feet. We tried to get back down.
Icy was almost done with her song.
As we were back on the ground, Jasmine yelled "Let me gooooo!"
"Security!" I shouted.
A security came. "Get this lady out! This is the lady Icy warned yall about."
He and two more securities collected her and took her away. She kept wiggling around. "LET ME GO! LET ME GO!"
Zayn and I were out of breath. Icy was done with her performance and the audience roared. I was sad I missed it, but happy that nothing bad happened to her and she got to make her dream come true. Thankfully, she performed another song which was much better than the first and Zayn and I got back in time to see. She did incredible.

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