Am I taken seriously?

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(A/N: This chapter dicusses male victims of abuse. if you are NOT gonna take this chapter seriously and make trash arguments, then BYE!)

*Hannah's POV*
Pink. More pink, alot of pink.
Painting my toenails is hard when I have this giant belly. It was afternoon and Trophy by Charli XCX was playing in the background.
The phone rang.
I quickly paused the music. Oh, my gosh, Zayn is calling me!
"Hey, Hannah." He sounded saddened.
"What's wrong?"
"Gigi was bailed out."
"Okay, here's my issue because this is getting annoying," he said, getting angry and his temper lost.
Woah, I've never seen him this angry.
"Gigi literally hit me, threw shit at me, and left cuts and bruises all over me that I still have, and my abuser is free? Walking around free? Even though she can't even walk so she might as well stay in her cell."
I giggled. Good one, Zayn. But anyways he had a point.
"Am I not taken seriously because I'm a guy? Like... all I've kept hearing ever since that day is 'relax, you're a guy, shut the fuck up.' YOU'RE FUCKING POINT?!?!?! You shouldn't put your hands on men either. Just because it's normalized by television, doesn't mean it's okay."
"Who said that?" I asked
"Some so called feminists and ot4 stans and some Twitter dudes. Fuck em all."
"Did you get her back?" I asked.
"No. It was hard to with glass hitting me."
"I'm so sorry, Zayn."
"Thank you, Han. I wish male victims were taken seriously. Shia Labeouf was sexually abused by a woman and no one cares and people make fun of him. Why? Has anyone checked up on him? Is he eating healthy? Drinking water? Doing cartwheels? In conclusion, is he good?"
I thought about it for a long time.
"Gigi stans keeps caping for her like I'm the one who hit her. I'm the one with the bruises."
"Don't listen to them, Zayn!" I said.
"And why is it that Little Mix stans keep saying, 'that's what you get for cheating.' WHERE. IS. THE. CORRELATION?!?!"
"Okay! Zayn! Listen to me! I'm coming over, okay? Relax! Drink some water. I'll be right there."
I turned off my music, got my keys and scurried to Z's house.
"Okay, Zayn. I understand you're hurt and annoyed by people's ignorance. But you have to stay strong. Gigi will not get away with this just because you're a man."
He thumped his leg up and down, trying to chill out. I put my hand gently on his shoulder.
"Delete Twitter, Instagram, everything for a few days. What dumbasses say about you does NOT matter nor define who you are."
He swallowed hard.
"You DO matter. Men matter too. Feminism is to show that women matter, LGBT+ people matter, people of color matter, and men matter. Feminists who forget men are important, too are not feminists; they're misandrists."
"Exactly," Zayn said. "They're the ones who should be ashamed of themselves."
"Right. Don't let Perrie stans, Gigi stans, or One Direction stans break you. They literally have no right to bash anyone, really. I saw a 1D stan call Beyoncé overrated and untalented. Do you think I care what they think?"
"Really?" Zayn said. "Ha!"
"All of this reminds me of how quick people were to respond to Johnny Depp hitting his wife."
"Yeah, he is kinda cancelled for me right now," I stated.
"Plus, people think him being hot 20 or 30 years ago and being a great actor should erase his actions," Zayn said.
"FOR REAL!" I shouted, clapping my hands. "Same with Gigi. People say that about her because she's a model and beautiful. Like...."
"Well, I mean, he still looks good now, but...."
"Zayn, that's not the point."
"Right. Sorry. Focus."
"Our point is people need to stop cooning around and remember there males victims out there, too, and we need to take them seriously just as much," I said.
"Good job, mate."
"Thank you, Daddy."

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