
395 2 9

Created: July 22, 2018 // Updated July 10, 2018

[Y/N] Your name / [F/D] Favorite Drink

Onto the story-


I stared up at the blue crystal sky, not a single cloud in the sky. "Today is going to be a good day, I know it," I said softly to myself with a smile as I began to run toward's the building that caught my eye.

Fairy Tail's guild.

Hi, my name is [Y/N] and I am one of the famous Fairy Tail wizards. It wasn't too long ago that I became an official member of the guild. I left the ordinary life of my mine behind to pursue my dream to become a great wizard.

"Oh, I'm already here," I said with a light pant, catching my breath. I made my way up to the guild doors and with a confident smile, I threw the doors before me open-


Only to have a table thrown at my FACE! I fell on my back. After a couple of seconds to process what had happened I stood up, letting out a groan of pain. After I was fully up I marched farther inside ready to face the one who threw that table at me. I already had my suspects. 

"NATSU! GRAY! WHICH ONE OF YOU IDI-"Cut off by the sound of screaming, Natsu and Gray's screams I turn to the direction of the noise. "Nani?" I mumbled as my gaze landed on the sight. Natsu and Gray were hugging each other with a very demonic looking Erza standing above them with glowing red eyes. I looked to the floor and saw a piece of cake, strawberry cake, stepped on.

'Yep, well they're dead.'

The two boys came running in my direction. "Huh?!" I shouted. "Move it or lose it, [Y/N]!" Natsu yelled out, followed by Gray pushing me to the ground and then Erza jumping over me. And just like that, I was back on the floor and the three mages' yelling became fainter. 

I stood up once again, brushing myself off. "If Natsu nor Gray didn't throw that table at me, who did?" 

After a few seconds of thinking a shoe flew across the room and landed on my face. I've seriously had enough. "OKAY, WHO WAS THAT?!" I yelled out in the almost empty guild, losing my temper. 

"B-Baka..." 'Huh?' I turned around looking from side to side. 'What was that?'


There it is again!

While I was in a state of confusion, trying to figure out what was going on and who was behind the things flying at me and the sound, ANOTHER shoe was thrown at me, it knocked me off my feet and I made contact with the floor again. Only this time I faced the direction that the shoe came in. I looked up in the direction where it came from, my eyes staring into the eyes of the culprit. 


I stared up at him, feeling so lost. I rubbed my now sore back from all of the falls I took today. I groaned as I rubbed the bruised areas of my back and close my eyes. "What was that for, Master? That hurts you know..." I opened my eyes once again, this time he was a bit closer. Instead of being on top of the bar he made his way to a table that stood not too far from me. 

Our eyes met, he had a faint blush... I found myself blushing as well. As I stared up at him, my eyes wandered around his small frame. 'W-Wow, h-he's so tall,' I hadn't noticed this before, that was until I realized that that second shoe had knocked me back to the ground and he's standing on a table. I mentally facepalmed at myself and stood back up.

But that conversation that we had going on was not over, I couldn't look away from his beautiful old man eyes. "So, um, Master Makarov, are you going to tell me what I did? You know, to have a table, shoe and another shoe thrown at me with no warning what-so-ever?"

"W-Well, t-that was for being such a baka, baka..." "Uh?" I'm not even sure how to respond to that. The two of us stood silent for like, three hours straight. But it wasn't an awkward silence, I mean, it was really strange but it was comfortable. 

"Baka," Makarov said breaking the silence. 


"H-Here, you baka.

He then handed me a glass of [F/D]. 

I stared at it in amazement. "F-For me?" I managed to choke out with a blush. 

"J-Just take it already, y-you're looking into it too much, b-baka. It's not like I've been watching you and what you do ever since the day you joined this guild or anything..."

"Wait, what?"


I was slightly weirded out, but there is no doubt about it, the glass that he handed me really was my most favorite drink. I took the glass gently from his wrinkled up scarred up hand. 

'W-Wow, h-he knows me so well...' 

"T-Thank you..." I stutter out, I decided to give him one of my famous cute smiles. 

He slightly jumped and let out a weird anime sound. "Eh." He quickly looked away from me. "Y-You're welcome... B-Baka-Chan." He looked back at me, I was able to tell that the blush on his face had deepened, I felt my heart skip a beat.

Doki, Doki~

I was nervous now, 'W-What is this feeling that I am now feeling? I-I've never felt this way until now.' He's looking at me, I have to do something. I nervously smile at him and shyly take a sip of my drink. Only to have it slapped out of my hand. I looked at that now shattered glass and spilled [F/D] that was all over the floor. I looked back at Makarov, the spilled drink, Makarov, the drink. I let out a sigh and felt a sweatdrop on my forehead.

"W-What was that for?!" I yelled out. 

"For being a baka......and stealing my heart."

We both blushed madly. 

"W-Would you be my girlfriend, Baka-Senpai?"

I softly smiled at him as I felt my heart flutter with those words. "I would love to."

"Let's get out here," He said offering me his hand with a beautiful grin that easily puts my own smile to shame. "Let's," I replied back, placing my hand in his, we ran out of the guild's doors with the blue sky watching over us, ready to start a new adventure.

Everything is perfect...

* Makarov twists [Y/N]'s hand and trips her into a muddy puddle *


Admin Marissa: Master!

Makarov: T-That's what she gets for being such a baka... o///o *blushes a deeper shade of red than Erza's hair*

Mira: Awe, how cute!~ I ship it! 


I hope that you guys liked this rewrite! I'll see you in the next few chapters. Feel free to drop a request! Bye!

Admin Marissa


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