// pep girls

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Avril's POV

"5, 6, 7, 8!" The cheer captain yelled as they started dancing. U G H can't believe I'm actually doing this

"This is soo exciting!!" Amber squealed as we watched them do their routine.

We were about 10 going to try out.. Most of these girls are in Grade 9 or 10 and they are soo girly like no kidding! One girl is freaking out cause she doesn't want to cartwheel cause she might break her manicure. Ugh pls no. I can't believe Alicia already has the dance down and is already dancing with them. She just got in yesterday! I looked behind us to see Luke, Michael, Calum and Ashton watching by the bleachers. Oh my god no. They saw me turn around and look at them so they waved and I gave them a glare and the bad finger.

"Okay! Great run thru girls!" The captain yelled again. I know just who she is, Kitty Marbles she's in my year. She's what you would expect a head captain of the pep squad to be: popular, slutty, fake and annoying.

I was now wearing my black cycling shorts, purple sports bra, dark blue singlet and my purple rubber shoes because that's what I had in my locker. My hair was up in a messy bun and the pink streaks were poking out. Whatever.

"Alright! Those who are going to try out please form one horizontal line!" Her snobby voice yelled. I whispered to Amber not to leave my side and she agrees.

"Alright! Now, to try out for the pep squad you have to at least know how to split and cartwheel!" Kitty says in an over enthusiastic voice. I hear some mumbles here and there from her rule but I just stay quiet

Now, Kitty is walking in front of us like she's actually observing us and checking if we are 'pep standards' when she passes by me she does a double take then smiles a sickly sweet smile at me.

"Well well well.. What do we have here?" Great. Now all of them are looking at me

"Avril Devine! What a surprise! I didn't know you liked this kind of stuff!" She says

"Ahehe.. Nice to see you Kitty!" I say in my fake happy voice u g h

"Anyways we'll talk later Avril!" Kitty says as she continues observing us

"Well! I guess you all meet the standards of a cheerleader! Now it's time to test your flexibility!" Kitty said. There were some groans and mumbles on how this is going to be hard but the most distinct sound was the wolf whistles of my so called friends. I'm really going to have to kill them later.

"Okay! Please form 2 horizontal lines of five each! Make sure you have enough space to stretch girls!" Kitty says as we all start moving. Me and Amber stay at the back row.

We did the usual stretches like leg stretching, arm stretching, back stretching and just general stretching. I would always hear Luke, Michael and Ashton whistling while Calum stayed quiet. After a little more stretching, Kitty has us return back to the one straight line again.

"Okay! Any gymnasts here?" Kitty asks. I think about not raising my hand but Amber keeps nudging me so I just raised it.

"Oh wow! That's a surprise! What level did you reach? 2?" She said with a smirk

"Actually, I reached level 6 at the age of 15 and I still go to gymnastics once a week. What level did you reach Kitty?" I ask with an evil smirk. There's only one gym in Sydney and I've seen Kitty a few times. I hear the boys behind us screaming 'BURN!' and I can't help but laugh. I also hear the mumbles and the gasps of the other cheerleaders.

"Erm.. Well I just started about a year ago so I'm just level 3.." She said quietly

"Awwwe! You can't even compete yet! While I've been competing since the age of 5." I replied sassily. I heard another round of gasps and Kitty's face is priceless

"Anyways, any other gymnasts?" Kitty
said back to her overly perky mood

"None? Alright! Let's get started!" FML

~~~1 Hour Later~~~

Well.. Let's just say the only stunts all 10 of us can do are the splits and the cartwheels.. After that it was just me and another girl I recognized from gym and Amber.. Well, Amber didn't last long too she could only do the scorpion and a handstand. I practically did all the stunts they asked and I also found out the only things Kitty can do are the splits, cartwheels, handstands, scorpions and bow and arrows.. Not much if I must say myself.

"Okay ladies! Take a water break! We will check your dance skills after!!" Kitty said in a sing song voice.

Me and Amber make our way to the bleachers since the boys had our stuff plus Alicia was chilling there.

"What's up pep girls!?" Ashton said teasingly as we finally reached them

"What's up losers?" I countered back and Ashton just smirked

While waiting for the break to be over we just started goofing off and talking about random shit! Calum was still quiet but he is sorta part of the conversation sometimes. We were talking about Kitty and how she doesn't deserve to be cheer captain I mean I agree!! Hello? She's level 3!

"Hey Av, the cheerleaders are staring this way.." Calum says. My heart fluttered when I heard him say my name but before I could process what he just said someone called me

"Hey Avril! Can we talk?" One of the cheerleaders asked. I rolled my eyes and told them I'd be right back.

"You called?" I asked as I finally reached their small semi circle. I noticed the queen bee isin't there.

"Hey! I'm Candice! This is Becca, Andrea, Molly and Steph!" Candice said while pointing at the other girls

"Hey, yeah I think I have a class with Molly and Andrea.. Soo?" I ask hoping to get to the point already

"We want you to be our head cheerleader." Andrea said. Wait what?

"Woah.. I'm not even on the squad yet! Plus I don't think Kitty is going to let that happen.." I say

"Well, we can be democratic about this! We should put it to a vote! Plus I bet you will be part of the squad you are amazing and really flexible! If you aren't going to be part of the team we can put it to a vote too!" Molly said

"Well.. I guess we can try but, let's not tell Kitty yet! I mean let's wait until after we cheer for our first game alright?" I suggest as the 5 girls nodded

"OKAY LADIES! BREAK'S OVER!" Kitty yelled as we all went back to our lines

~~~An Hour Later~~~

"Alright! Time to annouce who got in!" Kitty said as the other girls squeled

SOOOO.. Yeah we learned the dance and it's a Katy Perry medley! I mean it's nice but at some parts it's just too slutty for me to handle.. (Dance Video is on the side (: )

"Amber Reid!" Kitty annouced and we cheered for my bestfriend

"Stacy Becks!" That's the other gymnast

"Nancy Render!" Some grade 10

"And FINALLY!" Oh no please not me

"Avril Devine!" U G H. I could hear the guys howling at the back as I half smiled as they cheered for me

"I'm sorry for those who didn't get in.. Try out again next year!" Kitty said as they began leaving

"Now, for those who did get in! Congratulations! Here are your uniforms you get 3 each plus a jacket! I designed these and here are the training sessions! Thanks again and see you girls tomorrow!" Kitty said as we began packing up. E W THE UNIFORMS

"WELL! See you tomorrow pep girls!" Ashton said as we parted ways




xx soph

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