Chapter 3

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I stepped aside and Daniel looked out the window and I saw his face go pale. "Dan, I need you to tell the others right now" I said, snapping him out of his trance. "What are you gonna do?" He asked. "I'm gonna get myself ready, then meet everyone at the back door" I said. Dan ran out the door and I walked back to the window. Coming down the street was a zombie army, with the zombie we had fought earlier at the front. He saw me standing in the window and waved at me. "Would you like to come and negotiate?" He yelled down the road. He stopped in the middle of the road and the other zombies stopped behind him. "I have a question for you", I yelled back, "How long do you think it will take to kill that many zombies?". The zombie thought for a minute, and every second I could buy the others was another second they would live. "Well if I have well over four thousand zombies..." He lied, "... Than that would take probably four years" the zombie lied, "Well, its a good thing we enjoy killing zombies, isn't it?" I yelled back. "Eh, you cant fight nonstop for four years!", He replied, "but enough chit-chat, you can go die now" He yelled, starting to advance again. I ran out of the room and down the hall. I got to my room and ran inside. I always kept my bag packed and ready to go, just incase we had to leave quickly, like now. I grabbed my bag and ran back down the hall, down the stairs and met the others at the back door. "The bikes!" Ben yelled, "we could use them to get away faster!" He suggested. "Ok, everyone get outside and wait in that alleyway for us" I said. They nodded and went out the door, across the road and down the alleyway. "Dan, Lachie, barney, Mitch, you guys help us with the bikes" I said. We ran to the garage, fearing we would take to long. Barney and Ben grabbed a bike each then wheeled them through the house and out the door. Mitch went next, then Daniel then Lachie. I was the last one and as I was wheeling the bike through the house I heard scrapping, banging and groaning sounds coming from everywhere. the zombies had reached the house. I ran to the door and wheeled the bike across the road. "Ok, these bikes can only hold two people each, so, three people will have to run. I'll run, who else?" I asked. "I'll run" Mitch said. "Me to" Jono said. "Ok, driver drives the bike, passenger defends themselves and driver, ok?" I asked everyone. They all nodded. "Right lets go!" I yelled. They jumped onto their bikes and started the motors. Jono, Mitch and I started running down the street. One bike sped past us, then another, then two more. There was a slight gap between the first four bikes and the last two. The last two bikes sped past us. The last one slowed down and Ben asked, "if we get split up where should we meet you?" He yelled over the noise of the motor. I thought quickly. "Meet us at the mall! And stick together no matter what!" I yelled. Ben sped off to catch up with the others. I looked over my shoulder. There was a wave of decaying, hungry bodies flooding around the corner, obviously responding to the loud engines. We ran down the road and around a corner and it was obvious that the zombies would catch up soon. All the houses in this area were densely packed with almost no space between them, and they all had flat roofs, and I knew how to use this to our advantage. "We have to get to the rooftops!" I said. "How?" Mitch asked. "I'll give you guys a boost" I replied. I ran over to a house and braced myself on the wall. I put out my hands and Mitch put his foot on them and I pushed him up to the roof edge and he pulled himself up. Then I did the same with Jono. I looked back the way we had come and the zombies were closer, too close for me to get up safely. I waved Mitch and Jono down the row of houses and I followed them from the road. I sprinted as fast as I could to get as far away from the zombies as I could to get enough time to get up to the roofs. I look behind at the zombies and I figured I had enough time to get up. I ran strait at the wall, put my foot on it and pushed off it and caught the roof. I pulled myself up and rolled on the rooftops. Mitch and Jono ran to my side. "Are you ok" Jono asked. "Yeah, I'm fine" I replied, "you?" I asked. "We're ok" Mitch replied. I stood up and watched the bikes speed off. "Well, it's just us now" I said. "No it's not" Mitch replied, nodding at the edge of the roof, drawing his sword. Zombies were climbing onto the roof! I drew my knives and cut down the first few zombies. They were easy targets. focusing what little brain power was left on climbing, they didn't even put up a fight. One zombie got close to bitting my ankle, way too close for comfort, but I kicked it just in time. There was a momentary break between waves of zombies and it was then that I noticed dark clouds overhead and the rubbish on the street was being blown around by strong winds. As I looked down back at the zombies it started to rain, sprinkling at first then it started getting heavier. Mitch looked away from the small battle taking place and ran off. "Mitch!" i yelled. As I was distracted by the Mitch momentarily, one zombie got high enough on the wall to jump onto me and tackle me to the ground, dropping my knives. I held its one arm and head as far away as I could, but I was already pretty tired, so the zombie started getting closer. It suddenly convulsed, blood spraying everywhere, and rolled onto the roof. I stood up and grabbed my knives. I looked back to see Mitch with some kind of gun, it looked like an AK-47 to me. He was looking down the sight at zombies, and zombies were convulsing, falling and spraying blood everywhere. "Lachie!" Mitch yelled, throwing the AK to me. I sheathed my knives quickly and caught it. I was about to ask why he gave the gun to me, but he ran off again. I emptied the clip into the mass of zombies, injuring some but killing most. There were 2 spare clips conveniently duct-taped to the side if the gun. I ripped one off and loaded it into the gun, throwing the empty magazine at a zombie, knocking it of the roof. I looked over at Jono who just at that moment caught a black pistol the a long silver pistol out of the air, then I saw Mitch running back over with spare magazines for the AK and a pistol of his own. "There's a dead guy over there!" Mitch explained to us, "he was loaded! He had an AK, three pistols, a baseball bat and ammo for all the guns!" He yelled while throwing me the spare magazines, 6 of them. I shoved them into my pocket and started shooting again. The streets were filled with the echoes of gunshots and screams of zombies dying. After about one minute I had used all the ammo taped the the gun and the ammo in my picked was too tightly packed together I couldn't get them apart to load them, so I threw them in my bag and yelled "the AK's dry!". "Same with my pistol!" Jono replied, still shooting with his other pistol. "We can't hold out up here any longer! Run!" Mitch yelled. We passed the corpse and I whispered "thank you" as I ran past it. I unloaded the empty mag and put it in my bag as we ran. We jumped over a short alleyway between two houses. We came to the end of this row of houses, with nowhere to go. Mitch and Jono stopped, but I ran past them and yelled "just jump and roll!" And jumped off the roof, full speed.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2013 ⏰

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