Epilogue~Janette's POV

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Slim, hot, perfect body. That's what most people think of when they see me. Sexy beast, adorable moss green eyes that are simply to die for with enough popularity to be a star. Put it all together and you'd think I've got the perfect life! Well...to tell you the truth, I do! I'm just your average 16 year old girl, shopping, fangirling, partying with friends, nothing wrong has happened to me that has really impacted me. Unless of course you count my dad dying on my birthday nine years ago...but Mom's remarried and everything's back to normal so it's not like that ruined anything for me. Sure, I had to move from Calgary, Alberta all the way over to California but hey...can't say it's not a HUGE upgrade! My school is simply fabulous with people waiting to serve me and basking in my glory, not to sound self absorbed or anything of course! I am Janette Jean, a calm young woman who is always top of the class for everything and well prepared to help anyone in need. Except of course, those pathetic invisibles. They aren't totally bad...just annoying as all hell and so lame. Seriously! Yes, I can talk to them if I must but I prefer to stay to the...well...better known people.

"Janette! Please tell me your not still studying for that history test at 3:54 in the morning! IT'S FRIDAY NIGHT, YOU CAN SAVE IT FOR LATER! Please sweetheart, get some rest." my mom demanded from outside my locked door. I never let her in...she hates to see my room, which is like a disaster zone. Hey! Don't judge me, I have too busy of a life to deal with these mundane tasks such as house cleaning! Ugh I just wish we had a house elf to do it all for me.

"Of course mother dearest, I'll go to sleep eventually. I just want to pass with flying colors so my studying can't wait! Just half an hour more...please mom?" Boy, if I don't sound like a perfect angel there I don't know what would sound better! She always falls for this, it's weird how she actually thinks I bother to study...I memorize it all during class anyway. Still...if it means I can keep chatting with my boyfriend Paul then it's worth it.

"Fine Janette, but only half an hour! No longer! I want those lights off and the phone on my bedside table so I know your not staying up on it though! Goodnight!" I hear her leave my door side and log back onto my phone. I can't believe she's taking it tonight, she never does that! Whatever, that's a miner setback to my plan to meet him, she'll be asleep by the time I go meet Paul anyway so she won't even know I still have my phone. My mother is so oblivious to how teenagers really are sometimes, it gives me a huge laugh! Suddenly, my phone vibrates pulling me away from my thoughts of my mom's stupidity. OMG it's Paul!

"Hey Babe, you back yet? I miss my cute gf and it's your turn for truth or truth! I wanna tell you all my secrets because you are so close to my heart that you'll figure them out anyway...might as well get it over with lol. Come back to me!!!" Paul says. Ugh he's so annoyingly adorable sometimes! Haha well, might as well update him then BEFORE he starts spamming me.

"Yes darling, moms gone to bed and I'm back. Listen, I miss seeing your face and we don't have any classes together for some stupid reason! Let's meet up at our favorite place by the river in...say 10 minutes? Oh...and your question is, " Do you actually love me, if so why?" And don't tell me yet! Think it over and tell me when I get to our spot!!" I reply, hoping it's enough to convince him join me. If not...well I can always go enjoy myself with my girls who are always on call!

"Of course I'll meet you in our Riverside spot...I'll do anything for you my dear. Hurry though, I have some things to get off my chest thanks to that question..." Well that wasn't the response I was hoping to get. My anxiety started to bubble over as I imagined all the possibilities of what his words could mean. Does he think the sparks been put out? Have I done something to upset him? Do his parents hate me for some absurd reason? I don't think I've given Paul a reason to break up with me...but what if I did and I was just to blind to see it? I was so preoccupied with my worries that I didn't even realize I was moving until I felt my foot slide out from underneath me as I unconsciously step off the sidewalk beside my personal flowerbed and onto the road. Even though it was years ago, I still remember planting those flowers to "hide my bedroom window from creepers" hoping that they would grow taller then the house. What a weird kid I was...filled with imagination.

"Ouch!" I huff and walk off, trying to hide in the shadows of the lampposts on the curb lining. As I wander only one thought is focusing in on my mind, no one dumps Janette Jean. No one.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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