Chapter 4

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Liam's POV.

I groaned and opened my eyes. I opened my eyes only to see Olivia lying next to me cuddled up into my chest. She was snoring lightly.

I really like Olivia. She's beautiful and she likes toy story! I hope I get a chance with her.

I heard a little groan and looked over to see Olivia stretching her arms. She looked up and smiled at me.

"Good morning Liam." She sleepily said

"Morning." I replied.

"Sorry about last night.. I'm just afraid of thunder and lighting." She said.

"Nah don't fret." I said.

"I'm hungry.." She laughed

"Same here. Let's go get some breakfast." I said jumping out of bed

I opened the door and walked towards the stairs with Olivia following behind me.

I walked down the stairs and saw Zayn and Niall.

"Hey guys." I said

"Morning." Zayn said aimed at me and Olivia.

Olivia walked over to Niall and sat next to him at the dining table. She had a big smile on her face. I smiled at her loving the way her nose scrunched up when she smiled.

Olivia's POV

I walked over to the table leaving Liam standing there. I sat next to Niall and he ignored it and continued eating.

"Hey Nialler." I said

"Hey" he looked at me and smiled.

I grabbed a hair tie from my wrist and tied up the pants Harry let me borrow. They keep falling down.

I stood up and walked into the kitchen. I saw a cereal box on the counter. I decided to eat a little breakfast even though I hate breakfast. But I was hungry. I grabbed a bowl and poured some cereal into the bowl.

I snooped around looking for a spoon not disturbing Zayn while he was talking on the phone.

I eventually found a spoon that I needed. I say down on the chair at the table next to Niall.

"Hey don't you want milk with that?" Niall asked.

"That's so gross. I hate milk with cereal it goes all soggy." I scrunched up my nose.

"Anyway I love food. It will always be delicious to me." He said.

"How'd you sleep last night?" Zayn asked me as he hung up the phone.

"Good" I replied I don't want them to know about sleeping with Liam.

"Thats good." Zayn smiled.

I just shrugged.

"Niall I was going to go shopping today wanna come?" I asked.

"What's in it for me?" He raised his eyebrow

"I'll shout lunch and I'll buy you some clothes?" I told him

"I'm in!" He yelled jumping up from his seat running up stairs.

I looked at Zayn and he just shrugged.

"Where's Liam?" I asked Zayn. He shrugged and walked towards the stairs.

"Okay.." I whispered

I was alone.. It's really quiet... Too quiet if you ask me. Should I wake up Harry? Nahh. I continued eating and I saw two guys walk in. Speak of the devil. Harry and Louis.

Harry was in his boxers.

"Harry!" I screamed. I covered my eyes "what the hell Harry! Put some clothes on!"

"Sorry! I forgot you were here." He explained whilst he ran up stairs.

I saw Louis walking down the stairs and he was patting a pigeon.. Am I the only one that finds that a bit weird.

"Louis, why are you patting a.. Pigeon." I asked

"His name is Kevin!" He screamed at me and ran away.

Dramatic much..

I got up and placed my bowl in the sink. I washed it and decided to go and change into my clothes from yesterday.

I heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I asked

"Niall." He said

"Oh come in." I replied

Niall walked in. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a white and blue striped singlet and his white converse. He also had on a green SnapBack.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yep" I said. He smiled at me and I smiled back.


"When do we get to eat?" Niall whined

"After I finish buying clothes Niall!" I told him

"Fine." He said

He turned around and was looking at something so I quickly grabbed his SnapBack and placed it on my head.

"Hey!" Niall whined

I started posing. "How do I look?" I asked

"It looks better on me." He replied

"Thanks mate." I rolled my eyes and gave it back to him.

After about 3 hours of walking around the plaza I had already bought 7 bags full of clothes. I need new clothes! My wardrobe is so last year.

"Food?!" He jumped up and down. Wow he's like 20 and he acts like a 3 year old. But not as bad as Louis.

"Yes Niall." I said

And without an answer from him he bolted down to nandos.

I ran after him carrying my bags which were heavy.


We walked back into one directions flat and I dropped all the bags on the floor.

Oh my god. They were so heavy.

I can't just leave my bags on the floor in someone else's house. I picked them up and headed to the guest room. I'll just leave them in here for a bit. Until I go home.

I flopped down on the bed and pulled a pillow under my head.

I closed my eyes and sleep took over my body.

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