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(A/N: Hello Family!!!! I know it's an attack but I don't want to drag the book so I'm ending it.. Thank you for all you guyss support throughout the whole journey I never thought my books will be appreciated so much...
The fiction awards have started many readers did nominate my book in diff categories and I'm thankful if you feel like I'm capable you can nominate my book if not then it's alright what matters to me is I got so much love and respect from you guyss.
About 'The Impossible Love Stories' wattpad is having glitches so the book parts got evaporated. I need to write whole again so I need time but I'll try and update at least some parts of it.. sorry for inconvenience.
Today is my chotu baby birthday thelovesickteenager go wish her she is ❤.
Thank you Parishay123 sarahpeyton1 khajo19amjad for nominating me in awards.
The book three in marriage series will be out soon that's 3. Step Mother. I will be updating Twisted, criminal and Betrayal book by this week..

Stay tuned for my more works.. and covers are appreciated by all you can check my bio there are ways you can send me cover for my books.)

10 Years Later

"Noooo!!!" Amaya shouted on top of her voice

"Amaya don't" Manik said in a stern fatherly voice

"Dad!!! I want to go everyone is going" Amaya shouted again but this time a little low voice

"If everyone will jump in well you will also jump with others" Manik said sarcastically

"Daddyyy please" Amaya wined

"Manik we had this conversation earlier as well" Nandini glared coming from the kitchen with food

"Nandini I won't sent Amaya alone to a field trip" Manik just dismissed the matter

"But Dad Nishi is also coming na" Amaya said

"Nope... Nisha same your age and I don't like boys of your school"

"Daddy!!!" A softy Nisha called her father

He looked at Nisha and her eyes just resembles him Nandini. Nisha and Amaya Manik daughters were complete opposite of each other. Amaya is a dare devil and Nisha is the Angel one. Punit being the elder brother always saves Amaya from all the Devilish things she does and Nisha being the sweet innocent girl always helps Amaya in all her lies and dares.

Amaya wants to go on a field trip with her school friends but Manik knows how his daughter is and Nisha being the Kind angel will also be on her sisters side. Every week Mr and Mrs Malhotra and called to school by principal for complaining about the dare devil.

"Let us go daddy" Nisha said with sweetness which knows her father melts. Her eyes has innocence and peace Nisha had always been Manik weakness more than Amaya

"Alright Punit will also go" he announced and poor punit just groaned on his father's decision

"Dad why me!!!"

"Your elder brother and I know Amaya is 100% going to end up in problem and drag Nisha as well in her plans"

Amaya just snorted and rolled her eyes that 10 year kid is just like her father. Arrogant. Amaya is referred as mini Manik because she completely resembles Manik in all ways from eating habbit to work her body language, her anger and more her love for Nandini just like Manik.

If Nisha is xerox copy of Nandini then Amaya is carbon copy of Manik. Punit has always played the part of being elder brother and he is mama's boy. Manik all love is just for Nisha they think that makes punit and Amaya both annoyed.

Mr & Mrs Malhotra [COMPLETED] (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now