Part 3

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Lord William Hamilton, the fifth Earl of Cambridge stared at the wide eyed load he currently held. If it wasn't for her statement, he would have held her in his arms for the rest of the night and just stared at her.

"Are you in trouble? Is he following you? What exactly were you doing on that tree?" William unwillingly raised his eyes to look at his surroundings, trying to look for the man who would treat a Lady so shabbily.

And what a Lady this beautiful creature is!

Her swan like neck, her regal features and the way she held herself, even in his arms were proof enough of her being a Lady. The fact that a man tried to force her to do anything that she didn't want had him seeing red. Her state of undress was an indication that the men had almost succeeded.

"I took care of it. If you don't mind, I would like to stand on my own two feet."

Lady George stood on shaking legs and tried to control her heartbeat. The near death experience had an electrifying effect on her body and every part of her seemed to be alive. After a through perusal of her rescuer, she realized that she was still half dressed. Deciding to ignore this particular fact for now she decided to question the man who rescued her.

"What are you doing here at night? I don't think that the plants need your attention at this time of the day." She asked with as much vitriol as she could muster. He had to be a gardener or a groundskeeper, he was dressed in rags and his clothes had mud on them. A lot of mud, that could only be explained if he was working in the garden.

"I have decided that I want to rescue half dressed damsels in distress, hence, the waiting. I wonder what particular situation could have led to this state of your's, would you like to enlighten me?" The stranger's smile made George breathless and her heart skip a beat or three. Despite his sinfully good looks, he looked unaware of his own appeal. It took her a minute to form her first thought.

"Do you want me to tell you all the juicy details so that you can tell it to all the friends you have? I know how the gossip spreads below stairs and I would like to remain anonymous." George realized that escaping this man was in her favor. She looked around for the dress she had thrown down the building and found it was stuck in some bushes.

Georgiana started to untangle her dress from the bushes by bending over them. She didn't see the darkening of stranger's eyes as her rump became quite visible through her light under garments. As she moved to complete her task, her rump moved in the air behind her giving William ideas. Desire shot through him and he could feel himself enlarge in his breeches. The desire to rub himself on her while holding her backside in a tight grip was so strong that he had to fist his hands. He could almost feel her soft skin.

Cursing softly, William pushed Georgiana out of the way and started untangling her dress. As soon as the task was done, he gave the deepest bow before her and decided to introduce himself.

"Lord William Hamilton, Earl of Cambridge at your service. If I may be bold enough to suggest that we take my carriage and get you home. Your reputation would become beyond repair if you were spotted in your state of undress." William raised a questioning eyebrow as Georgiana kept on staring at him with an open mouth.

"But you never go to balls or socialize with anyone." George asked in a dazed voice as she paid more attention to his face. It was an aristocratic face with a straight nose and a wide forehead.

"As you can see, I didn't actually attend the event. I was busy helping Maximillian with some heavy lifting." The corners of his mouth lifted and he smiled like a naughty kid who knew his mischief would make others mad. Before she could ask anymore questions, her mind finally decided to process his offer to take her home.

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