Part 5

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George's parents were horrified at what happened to their dear girl. Lord Malcolm decided to thank the Earl for his services and soon left after breakfast to write to him. Before leaving, he kissed his daughter and hugged her close, thanking God for keeping his girl safe. Soon after he left, the Duke of Lancaster entered. Maximilian Crawford was a dear friend who filled had the gap in George's life created by being an only child. On the other hand, Max had been fortunate enough to have good neighbors who cared for him and treated him as family. Lord Malcolm had been a calming fatherly influence for him while growing up. When his father would throw him out during one of his episodes, Max would go to Malcolm Hall for a few days. The two friends grew up together and were rather like siblings than anything else.
George stood up to greet her friend  but stopped when she his face. Instead of Max’s usual warm and open face, his expressions were stone hard and his anger was apparent for all to see.
“Are you alright my dear? Is something wrong? Should I get Malcolm?" Lady Malcolm started to get up when Max waved at her to sit. He moved to stand next to George and continued glaring.
"I'm angry that I got no missive regarding yesterday’s events from my so called friend. This supposed "friend" should have informed me that someone was harassing her in my home. I would have thrown the bastard out and it would have been the end of his reputation.  He's already knee deep in debts, no one would have given him anymore loan. That idiot would have known that he choose the wrong victim. Why didn't you just say anything? Don't you trust me to take care of you?” George looked at the gentle giant as she realized that he was hurt, his anger was just for show.
George cried as she realized that she had two men looking out for her. The helplessness and pain she had seen in her father's eyes was reflected in Max's. She hugged her friend and cried harder. She knew that her actions last night were driven by pure stubbornness. She had been alone and afraid, she had thought that she would have to fight her battles alone from now on, because of an aging father and a lack of brother. Seeing the two powerful men be so offended on her behalf made her realize that her father was not too old and she had a friend who cared enough.
"Shh! It's fine my dear, everything will be alright. I'll be with you, he won't try anything with me there. I was just worried about you. You know how I worry like a mother when it comes to you,  don't you? I'm not angry at you, I'm angry at myself. I should have been there." George finally spoke up when she realized how guilty Max must be feeling.
"No no no. You are not responsible for anything that happened. You were doing your duty as a host last night. You are right, I should have said something instead of quietly disappearing. Stop trying to blame yourself. You couldn't have known,  you are not God!" Just to make sure that whatever she said entered the thick skull of her childhood friend, she knocked him on the head several times. No one would have been brave enough to try such a thing with the Duke of Lancaster. Despite the fact that he was a friendly member of the peerage, Max kept others at a distance. It discouraged others from trying to get too close. It was a habit that he started cultivating in school and had yet to break.
"I pity your future husband, he'll have to deal with a she devil. Your knocks are still being echoed in there." Max smiled and tried to think of something else to say to distract George.
"Is that why you won't marry me?" George laughed as Lady Malcolm groaned.
It was only natural that Lord Malcolm would ask Max if he was romantically involved with his daughter after they reached a certain age. The two of them were  unusually close, considering they were of opposite genders and of different age groups. Max was quick to point out that George was nothing but a baby girl he helped raised as an elder brother would have and the relationship shared between the two was of nothing but respect. This soon became one of the jests between friends but Lady Malcolm's displeasure at this particular topic was always visible. She had been a very vocal supporter of the match between the two friends.
Lady Malcolm had been ecstatic when her daughter had attracted the attention of a future Duke. She had always made sure that her daughter did spend time with Max, even when they were no longer kids. She had hoped that the two of them would form a  romantic attachment. Instead George grew up climbing trees and going on adventures with her friend and Lady Malcolm ended up with a hoyden who learned all her tricks from her beloved friend and confident.
"Yes, I did. Now you can have so much fun at the balls. You are on the marriage market where everyone can look, admire and buy like a mare. It's barbaric but fun, you get to break hearts my dear.” Max knew that George hated being stared at and saying no to all her suitors. He would still tease her endlessly to get a rise out of her.
"One day you'll find the perfect girl at one of these events and you'll instantly fall for her. These barbaric events will be the only time you would be able to see her and you will come to love them. Your courtship will end with one such event and you'll have to host such events regularly as a married man. Oh! I'll spoil your kids completely for you." George's voice suddenly turned wistful as she remembered Max's oath to never marry. If only she could convince her friend that marriage to the right woman was worth every bit of heartache.
"We'll see, but before that, I have to know if you will attend Almack’s tonight? Your rescuer will be there, it's his sisters first ball and the chit is painfully shy. I was hoping that you would take her under your wing. She'll need all the support she can get." Max looked concerned. George was sure he thought that she was traumatized and might not want to come. He was looking at her closely to see if she was fine.
"Of course! After all I owe him my life. How can I not return the favor, even though the two things cannot be compared." George tried to sound braver then she felt. Even though she didn't say it, trying to save your virtue in a hopeless situation does take its toll. She wanted to skip the dance but a young girl needed her guidance.  
"Save a waltz for William. That man has such a long stick in his behind that he can't  bend. Maybe making him dance might loosen him up a bit." Max's grin is mischievous, it promised trouble for the illusive Earl. George could already imagine Max saying the same thing to every woman he would see today to keep Lord Hamilton on his feet. She felt something almost like jealousy  over the fact that her handsome rescuer would dance with other women. She quickly suppressed it as such an emotion was a dangerous one.
"Don't you create problems for that man. He was kind enough to help you and save me in the process. You will help him by dancing with his sister and do nothing else." George copied her stern governess who Max was scared of, she had copied her before to make Max listen.
"I won't make any problems for him but I can't say the same about being mischievous. I have a gift for him, a favor if you might call it. I don't owe him anything, especially after he stole my exotic plants on the night of Crawford ball and almost killed them.” Max huffed as George stared at him with an open mouth. She tried to speak multiple times but her voice refused to cooperate.
"He stole your plants? That's why he was covered in mud?” George stared at Max for a few seconds and then decided to give up. She would never understand man. “Very well, if you say so!" George was not convinced but refused to comment further.
"Are you done with breakfast dear?" Max asked, suddenly changing the subject.
"Yes, why do you ask?" Instead of answering, Max dragged her into the pink drawing room and placed her on the sofa beside him.
“Did Cooper try to force himself on you? Was he the one who took your gown off?” George could see the wheels turning in Max's head and knew he was imagining the worst. The resolution on his face indicated that Lord Cooper might be a dead man by nightfall if Max didn't like her answer. George knew that if she lied, Max would know and his fears would be confirmed, so she told him the truth.
“I heard him talking to his mother. He would have taken advantage of me if I would have been stupid enough to stay in that room. I escaped but doing anything in a ball gown is hard, so I took it off. It was nothing really, don't worry about it.” George knew she did the right thing by telling the truth when she saw Max relax. A mischievous grin appeared on his lips.
"Let's go shopping. I want you to wear a daring dress that would make you the highlight at almack's. I want you to be surrounded by admirers,  hopefully that will be punishment enough for that sleazy snail." Max had a different target in his mind but little George didn't need to know that.

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