Better Than I Planned

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As I got ready for my date I thought of the woman I saw. Was she prettier than me  or was it my attitude? I can't believe he did this to me, I mean I love him. Nope, correction. LOVED him. He has the audacity to cheat on me after everything, I've done. Well I got a plan for him, he can have his little girl. I put the flat iron on so I can slay my hair later on. I grabbed my phone and it read 8:25pm and then I texted him: "Marc you don't have to pick me up anymore, where is the restaurant?" He replied: Oh ok....umm on NE 76 St by my house. Love you. He has the nerve to talk about he love me, unless I am mistaken, cheating is not love. I didn't respond to his ridiculous text, can he be serious?

Sasha sitting on my bed said, "So what is your plan for him?" 

Ashanti looking at closet trying to pick out my clothes.

I'm gonna make him want me and we will have a bet hopefully he will agree to it.

Sasha: A BET!?!!

Yes a bet.Is their something wrong with that?

Sasha and Ashanti said at the same time: Yess!! Duhh!!!

Ashanti turns around and says: You are already hurting, I can see it. Just let me give him one of my Ali moves and he'll straighten up.

Sasha: Yeah I'll just use my bat! Then he gonna know his ABC's backwards and forwards. Maybe he'll get some sense.

I finally slayed my bob and Sasha decided to do my makeup. My bob looked like straight out of magazine and I know Marc loves it that way. He really think he can just pop up with some new chick? He need to learn that you can't make a copy without the original! I'm so gonna get him tonight.I couldn't wait, I had butterflies flying (A/N always that they were fake and nope they're real)  Sasha decided to do a smokey eye color of maroon and black to match my dress. 

Guys Marc will not pick me up anymore, I can't stand to be in the same car as him. I'll take my car ok?

Ashaniti: Girl, I thought you was never gonna say that! But call us if you need anything.

Sasha: For real, I always got my bat in my car. All you got say is our code # for emergency and we'll be there. (A/N Code # is 305; since I'm from Miami S/O to Miami ppl. yooo)

Yall know I will.

I put my heels on and grabbed my clutch and walk out the door. I drove to the restaurant and it was fancy as can be. Does he really think that he can persuade me with a fancy dinner? Come'on I wasn't born yesterday! I saw him through the glass window and saw that he was already seated. I walked through the double doors all the way to the back where the booth was, ignoring my surroundings. 

Hey Nicks (Hatred dripping from my voice)

Marc: Hey Baby! He gets up and tries to kiss me.

Ni**a you tried it! I sucker punched him right in the nose. Ashanti didn;t show her moves, but I surely did.

Marc: What the fuck is wrong with you?

What's wrong with me!I don't know maybe the fact that my boyfriend of one year decides to cheat on me for the love of Adam and Eve on our anniversary. How much a liar can you be? Now I am contemplating my whole life without you. You know what it looks pretty damn good. Just tell me, was it all fake?

He reached for my face: Babe.. it was all real. From the moment that I saw I knew that I wanted you. Everything about you had me captivated from the start. I was stressed from school and my family that I needed some relief. 

Boy, you needed relief?! Usually when people want relief they go to the gym, exercise, eat, watch Netflix, they don't go and cheat on their girl . Anyway, enough with the chit-chat, I have a proposal for you?

Marc: A proposal for what? Babe, we can just work through this and get over it. You are taking it way too far. 

Uh , I think I am taking it where it needs to go, after what I saw today .NOW I proposing we have an open relationship and I know that sounds crazy but it's fine. Whoever wants to call it off and go back to the way we were loses. Obviously we get bragging rights, but we have to buy the other two cruise tickets for one week in any cruise line to any countries of that person's choosing. 

Marc: Are you crazy? What has gotten into you?..... Wait what if we both want to call it off? And if call it off, I choose who you're going with?

YOU!! I mean you cheated on me, how can I not be crazy? Second if we both to call it off then the relationship will end and we cut off all ties with each other. Lastly, I get to choose. 

Marc: Okay,first things first let me say that I am sorry and that I really think you should rethink this. This is not a Lifetime movie Brea, this is reality. 

Are you in or are you just gonna sit here and talk all day and then I have to pretend that I care?

Marc: Damn, when did you get ever so harsh? And I accept your proposition even if its crazy and wild. 

I was always like this, you just didn't know  the real me and I hid it from you. Just like you tried to hid this girl from me. Anyway, we have a deal. My purpose here is done. Bye honey. 

I  leaned over and brushed my hands against the side of his face. I got up from my side of the booth as the waitress finally came over.

??: Hi, how may I help you two tonight? She was grinning at Marc the entire time and not paying any attention to me. 

You can help by letting me leave. Go ahead and serve him though.

I sashayed away and gave him a good glance at my backside. After this I will have him eating out of my hands. I looked back at him while heading towards the exit and saw him gawking at me. I knew I picked this bodycon for a reason. I turned around I bumped into something hard. When I looked up I saw these ocean blues eyes. I had no words. 

Deep voice: I'm sorry, beautiful are you alright?

Gazing for what it seemed like too little -too long. 

Yeah I'm fine, but my name isn't beautiful.

Deep voice: Then, what is your name, beautiful?


Deep voice: I want to say I've familiar with that name but I'm not. 

How about I'll help you? Give me a call

I wrote down my name and number in his phone and gave it to him. 

He grinned and said: I will DEFINITELY use this, beautiful.

This went so much better then I planned.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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