Ch. 30

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Let me start out by saying. Guys. I am so sorry that I have updated in months. It's been a mix a writers block, business, and some other random things. I have worked hard on this chapter. I know it's not my best, but I'm just tryin to get back in the swing of things.
        Boom. No more evil Kelly. I drop my sword. The words, how in the world, keep running through my head.
As my sword crashes to the ground my power is distinguished. I began to realize how exhausted I am, even though I just woke up. It feels like I've been away for days with no sleep.
Percy comes up behind me, "Nice job!" He says, "Now grab your sword and we can get back to breakfast."
I can hear worry in his voice. My feelings tell me that he's worried how the emposui got in the camp. The last I heard, we were protected by these borders that came from Jason's sisters tree, or whatever.
Grabbing my sword I whisper to myself, "Ya, back to breakfast."
          We head back over to our table and sit down. The crowd of frightened kids starts to disperse and everyone goes back to eating breakfast.
           Annabeth sits back down at the Poseidon table with us again and holds up her fork, pointing it at me, "That was pretty impressive." She says, "I certainly didn't defeat a pack of emposui in my first week."
           Leo walks over with a girl behind him. She has pretty long golden brown hair and is wearing a type of a white flowing dress.
          "Hey Dani." Leo sits down facing the other tables, "This is Calypso." He gestures towards the girl standing next to the table, "Calypso, this is Dani."
I say hello to Calypso and she says hi back. Out of the corner of my eye I see Percy blush a little and look away. Then I see Annabeth glance at Percy and roll her eyes. Luckily, Leo breaks the awkwardness (doesn't he always), "Percy!" Leo says enthusiastically with a forced smile, "Are you and Annabeth gonna go see Frank and Hazel off?"
"Oh! Ya..." Percy says, "Let's go." He gets up hurriedly and leaves, starting to go to the big house. Leo and Calypso follow him and I take another bite of my cinnamon roll.
"So why isn't Jason going with them back to the other camp, I thought he was Roman." I ask Annabeth.
She looks up and me from her plate, "Well, since Piper is Greek and Jason isn't a praetor at Camp Jupiter anymore, he's gonna stay here with Pipes for a while."
"Oh." I say, "That makes sense I guess."
Annabeth finishes up her meal as I tap my fingers on the table. I want to know why Calypso made Percy blush awkwardly without even trying. Did Percy think she was cute? No, that's not a possibility. I saw the way Percy looked away, it was more of an embarrassed type of thing. Like Percy had had a bad experience with Calypso at one point.
As I sit thinking Annabeth starts to get up, "Well I'm gonna go see them off. You want to come?"
"Ya. Sure." I respond.
We get up and head over towards the big house to see them off. As we head over though I think about Kelly and her pack. Percy told me that only certain things can kill monsters, like certain metals or whatever. I can't remember them. Though, I'm pretty sure water doesn't make the cut. So how did the water that I conjured kill though freaks. Did I just scare them off or what?
I stop thinking about it as me and Annabeth reach the big house.

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