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The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else's highlight reel.
Steve Furtick

Everyone has their own insecurities. Legs, stomach, hair, handwriting. You name it, somebody has it. I am one of many, many insecurities. I am also one of many moments looking in the mirror. Here is the reality:

Those who look in the mirror often have the most insecurities.

It's simple, really. All you have to do is think about it. All of those characters in those cliché books stupid reality TV shows? Fiction. It's all fiction. The characters they place that just so happen to be the stuck up ones who look into the mirror all the time? Fiction. And even so with them. Why do they continuously check the mirror? Have you ever wondered the truth behind it? It's because they have insecurities and are self conscious.

I've known some to be insecure because they hate how skinny they are. Some are skinny and self conscious because they still aren't at their preferred state. It's mainly because of today's society. To be acceptable is to be skinny, but no too skinny, have long hair, but not too long, to have a nice tan, but not too dark and you can't be pale. I'm pale. I will never ever tan. I hate the thought of it. My mom tans, my step mom tans, random girls tan right before prom. I don't get it. It is just way too artificial for me. I actually don't mind my pale reflection.

My point is, don't judge someone right off the but. They just might have more insecurities than you can count.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 21, 2016 ⏰

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