chapter 12

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Black Butterfly


Chapter 12

Chapter Text

He doesn't know what to expect at school the next day. Killua goes through the usual motions, ignoring the thrill of anticipation in his stomach as he pretends everything is perfectly normal, that he's not randomly holding his breath at odd moments whenever he glances down the hallways between classes.

It's not until he walks into his AP English class that he's hit in the gut with a reminder that things aren't normal at all.

Sousuke sits at the back of the room, head bent low. He has a massive black eye.

He walks straight to Sousuke's desk and slams his hand down on it, saying in a low, fierce voice, "If you ever spread rumors about me like that again, I'll cut your fucking dick off."

Sousuke raises his head slowly, eyes wide, but his expression is mostly blank. "Take it easy, Zoldyck. It was just a mistake, all right-"

"You're goddamn right it was," Killua hisses, and before he can think on it, he adds, "Don't ever fucking touch Gon again, got it?"

The classroom is beginning to fill. Sousuke glances around, then whispers, "All right, I'm sorry, okay? Jesus. It wasn't even about you, anyway. I just wanted to fuck with him."

"Well it fucking worked, dipshit," Killua sneers. "And I know where you live and I've seen where you sleep. I swear on everything holy that your mother will cry when she sees what I've done to you if you ever fuck with him again." Killua thinks about Gon's bloody nose, the slump of his shoulders as he sat curled up on his bed-Killua wants to punch Sousuke himself.

Instead, he grits his teeth and finds a seat on the opposite side of the room.

Another ten minutes go by before his heart stops racing.


His anger at Sousuke only distracts Killua for so long. Eventually, his mind goes right back to Gon's voice-playing over and over, you are such a fucking idiot, followed by the memory of Gon's taste in his mouth and warm hands splayed along his sides. He thinks about his fingertips skimming over smooth skin, the breathless sounds Gon made at the simplest touches-

Killua stands at the sink in the boy's bathroom, staring at his flushed face in the mirror. He sighs heavily, leaning his forehead against the glass. Fuck, this isn't how things were supposed to go; it's one thing to have stupid fantasies about what it would be like to kiss Gon, to put his hands on him, but it's totally another to actually know every single one of those things and then want more.

And he still hasn't told anyone they're broken up.

There's a handful of minutes before his last class of the day, and then Killua can go home, lose himself in a book, or a movie, or maybe talk Palm into coming over and they can do shots on his bedroom floor and play Drunk Monopoly and he can forget he ever knew what it's like to have Gon's weight pressing him down into a bed.

Killua swallows against a sharp stab of arousal. Christ, he needs to get a fucking grip, it was just one time, and Gon hasn't even-


Killua sucks in a breath, coughs sharply as he shifts his bag to his other shoulder. "Hi," he says, looking everywhere but straight at Gon, who stands in the bathroom doorway with his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans.

"I heard about what you said. To Sousuke."

"What?" His head jerks up. "But-how did-"

"Did you really threaten him?" Gon asks softly. His nose looks a little worse today, a dark, angry bruise spreading out over the bridge and fading beneath his eyes.

Black Butterfly [written by TheRealGonZoldyck] Killugon ficWhere stories live. Discover now