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Lunch was a time everyone enjoyed. No lessons or work, we got to eat food and it meant home time was just around the corner.

I was surrounded by my many friends and I was feeling as content as ever. That was until Magnus joined us, bringing Raphael. 'So, Simon. You're still on for tonight right?' Izzy asked stealing a few of my chips. 'Of course, can't let down my favourite person now can I?' I answered winking at her. Izzy and I decided we'd run through a few lines for the school play coming up. We both wanted to audition and while I was happy to be a tree in the background I knew how much Izzy wanted a lead role.

'What are you both doing tonight?' I hear a silky voice ask. My head snaps up to meet Raphael's intense gaze, he's leaning forward on the table. Everything about this boy intimidated me. From his ridiculously perfect eyebrows to the way his lips would quirk up in a smirk.

'Uh, we're running through lines for the upcoming play, we want to audition' Izzy answers for me. I hadn't noticed it but I was unable to get any words out. My throat felt locked and tight while Raphael stared me down. He broke the gaze and I finally felt I could breathe once more 'you'll ace it Iz, I've seen you act before, I bet you'll get the lead' Raphael says smiling. It wasn't a playful smile it was genuine. And I knew he was being genuine because he was right. Izzy was an amazing actress and I knew if she pursued it after college then she could really make something of herself.

Then again anything Izzy would pursue after college she'd do amazingly in. She was just one of those people who was amazing at everything. 'Simon? Are you okay?' I heard Clary's voice ask. 'Yeah, Why?' I answer and ask all at the same time. 'You zoned out, like to ten other galaxies' Jace said. 'Right, well I'm gonna head to class. I'll see you all later' I say picking up my tray, Izzy grabs the rest of my chips and I giggle at her. 'Si, we still have like twenty minutes left' clary says. 'Yeah I know, I need to see Mrs Byrne any way' I answer. I walk away before anyone else can question me on why I was leaving so early.

I didn't need to speak to Mrs Byrne at all. I just didn't want to sit with Raphael any longer. Despite how ridiculously handsome he was he was also intimidating me to no extent. I had a slight crush on the boy and the way he was looking at me was doing my feelings no justice.

I was always jealous of any girl or boy Raphael got with. I'd see him with someone knew on his arm at least every week and each time I longed for it to be me, much like the moon longed to light up the night sky.

Emptying my tray I decide to head out to the field and get some air. I was needing a lot of that today but I couldn't help how claustrophobic Raphael made me feel. Once I was at the bleachers I pulled out my phone and decided to listen to some music. Leaning back I put in my headphones and closed my eyes, feeling relaxed already. However I couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching me. I opened my eyes and saw Raphael stood the other end of the field smoking a fag.

I decided to ignore him as best as I could, closing my eyes once again leaning back. The feeling of being watched finally went away and I relaxed even more, smiling to myself.

As much as I liked the sudden attention from the Raphael Santiago I also hated it. I didn't want to be another person he can add to his collection, and plus I can't have a relationship right now. With anyone. I need to concentrate on my studying. Therefore no matter how anyone feels about me I will not be dating them. No matter how utterly drop dead gorgeous they are.

It's a filler I'm sorry I just, needed to upload something y'know? Anyway, I hope you liked it:))

Yes Raphael is the typical bad boy but what can ya do?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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