chapter 3

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I made notes from the video, it said I had to do these 5 things.

#1 convert to 'shrekism
#2 pray to him everyday
#3 drink a special onion tea
#4 grant him 1 wish
#5 then ask him ANY THING and it shall come to pass.

These are weird but I might as well give it a try......

*****the next day ********

I sat next to Brianna, she saw my special shrekkian necklace.

"What is that?"

"It's an shrekkian necklace"


"A special religion of those who believe in shrek."

She burst out into laughter. "YOU BELIEVE IN SHREK!"

everyone laughed at me, even the teacher. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a girl move her chair away from me.

"Shrek is a FICTIONAL character..... He doesn't exist!" I heard people say.

"You're all just jealous!" I exclaimed as tears ran down my cheeks.

"Of what? That rat breath?" I heard another one say. "Do u even brush your teeth?"

"Only nerds brush their teeth!" I told them.

They all just laughed louder. I was so humiliated I just ran out the classroom and home. I opened the door and ran to my room. I locked the door and started to pray.

"Shrek is love" I said "shrek is life"



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