chapter 5

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I made my way to the sewers, it was the only place else to go. I crept down the cold wet sewer, shivering after every step. It was absolutely freezing down here. As I walked across the sewer, I came to what seemed like a dead end, I couldn't see well as it was quite dark, however I noticed there was some sort of, squeeking sound coming from the 'dead end'. I looked closer to see, 2 eyes staring at me, then 2 more opened until I realize this wasn't a wall, but I rats nest.

I screamed as loud as I could and began to run.

I ran

And  ran

And ran

Until I fell. My ankle felt sore. I was about to be eaten alive when a hand from above grabbed me by the collar and pulled me upwards.

I looked at the person who literally just saved my life. She was quite small and skinny. She had long black hair and dead blue eyes.

"Thanks, you know, for saving my life...."

"Its OK" she smiled showing all her orange teeth at me. I bet she hasn't brushed her teeth in years. A true cool kid.

"What's your name?" I asked her

"Salmonella. My parents said they named me that because I was so ugly and sickly looking. My parents and sister were Hollywood megastars. They said my face was a disgrace to the family and they wish I was as beautiful as my sister. They told me no plastic surgery could fix that face and told me to live in a place where no body would ever see my face. So I came here.... How about you?"

"I made a deal with shrek an-"

"You too!!!" Salmonella exclaimed

"You've made a deal with shrek as well?" I asked her in shock.

I thought I was the only one. Maybe all shrek's believers end up in the sewers.

"Yes I wanted to find someone who didn't think I was ugly." She mumbled, embarrassed at the thought.

"I wanted a friend" I told her

"Well we can be friends. Can't we?" She asked me

"And I don't think you're ugly"

"So maybe he didn't stand us up after all?"


We paused for a second realizing that it was his plan to do this. He did this on purpose.

But couldn't he have thought of a plan that didn't have a chance of getting me pregnant?

I looked at Salmonella for a moment. She looked deep in thought.

What evil parents she has! Getting rid of her just because she was born ugly. That's not her fault! And she's not even that ugly!

Hollywood stars and their fame....... They'd literally do anything to make them look picture perfect.

Then, at the worst moment possible, my stomach rumbled.

"You seem hungry." 

I knodded my head at her.

"Follow me"

I did as I was told and followed her closely until we came to what looked like a den.

I looked at mattresses on the floor.

"I got 2,just in case" she said.

I thought she was talking about the 2 mattresses but she was talking about the creatures on her plate.

They were dead


I looked at them.

She was living here, eating rats......


" I know it might seem weird at first but give it a try!" She handed one of the rats towards me and I took a bite. Apart from the smell it didn't taste all that bad. It tasted like chicken but furry.

I smiled at her

And she smiled at me

I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship. All thanks to shrek.

Thank you shrek

The end



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