Kisses&Guilt trips

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Naomi's POV

"Wake up, wake up, wake up, I'm back!" A voice said and suddenly there was a heavy weight weighing down on me and the bed itself.

I laughed slightly as Jimmy stood up and started bouncing up and down on the bed.

"Wake. Up!" He exclaimed.

"Boy of you don't stop." I laughed again before closing my eyes, wanting to go back to sleep, but he only jumped on top of me, "Jimmy your crushing me!"

"Well wake up." He laughed before placing his lips on mine quickly and pushing my hair out of my face, "Have I ever told you how beautiful you were?"

"Only a million times." I say with a laugh, "But I wouldn't mind hearing it just one more time."

"You." He said in between kisses, "Are. Beautiful."

I gave him a slight laugh again, "I missed you."

"I missed you too." He said with a smile before getting off of me and laying down beside me.

He took my hand into his and I just smiled as I looked at the ceiling. I truly did love this man.

"You tired?" I asked him after he gave a small yawn.

"I'm not actually." He said, "I slept on the plane ride back, so I'm all good. Plus, I gotta ask you something."

"Shoot for it." I say to him.

"So I was talking to Roman." He said and I felt my heart stop immediately. My mind automatically going to the worst case senecio.

"You were?" I said and tried to stop myself from shaking.

"Uh huh." He responded normally, "We were talking and you remember his daughter Joelle right? He said she can't stop mentioning you now."

"Oh," I say, feeling relived, "Yeah. She was a doll. Really sweet girl of you ask me."

"Yeah will she's with Roman for the weekend and he invited the two of us and my brother to come out and have lunch with them tomorrow afternoon." He said to me, "You up for it."

"Um, I, uh," I stuttered slightly, "I'm not sure baby."

Did I want to see Joelle. Sure, why not. She was a nice kid... But her dad... Nope.

I didn't want to see Roman when I didn't have to. And now him and Jimmy would be in the same room, at the same table, at the same time, and I'm just not sure I could handle that.

"Oh come on Nao." He pleaded, "It'll be fun. I already gave Nikki the day off tomorrow just so she wouldn't be here alone. Just come."

I sighed, I really found it hard to say no to him, "Alright Jimmy, I'll come."

"Thank you." He said while kissing my cheek then his lips slowly moved down to my neck.

"Someone's eager." I say with a small laugh.

"I haven't seen my beautiful wife in three days," he said, "Of course I am."

I loved that he called me his wife even though we haven't had the wedding yet.

But at the same time, it made me feel beyond guilty. Because though he was a great husband, I was a unfaithful wife.

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