good talks&diffrent feelings

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Naomi's POV

"Just set her on the bed." I say to Roman with a laugh as he carried Nikki into her room.

He laughed slightly as he laid her gently down on her bed. She had fallen asleep on the couch a little while after the movie had ended. Roman had offered to carry her instead of waking her up.

Tonight has actually gone pretty good. None of had really watched the movie, we talked about random stuff until it got silent, then we watched the movie until someone else came up with something to talk about... Or if Roman threw M&M's at me, which he did almost every freaking ten minutes just for the fun of it.

Nikki liked him... Nikki liked his arms, his tattoos, his hair and everything else about him, but I knew that John was the only one she'd ever fall for.

'You said the same thing about Jimmy.' I say to myself and feel a pang of guilt as Roman and I exited her room... But I hadn't fell for Roman. He made it clear that it was just sex, and it was clearly in the past... So why the hell was I still thinking about it.

"Thanks for having me over Na." He said to me.

I laughed slightly, "Don't call me Na."

"When you stop calling me Ro." He said back.

I groaned and he simply laughed as walked into the living room and I started picking up some of the bowls.

"I can help." He said to me.

"You're damn right your helping." I say to him, "You're M&M's are all over the floor. I'm not cleaning up your mess."

"You sound like AJ." He said with a small laugh.

"Who's that?" I asked him.

"That's my maid." He said to me, "She's more like my mom. She's sassy, and doesn't care if she hurts my feelings sometimes... But she's an amazing cook so I haven't fired her."

"You haven't fired her because you need a women who actually knows how how to bring you down from your high horse." I say to him with a laugh.

"Oh brave words Miss Fatu." He said to me in a amused tone.

"It's true." I say to him, "And you know it."

He shrugged and began picking up the candies on the floor, "Ok fair."

He cleaned up the living room in silence, but it wasn't awkward, it was actually peaceful, just enjoying the peace.

"So," he asked once we walked to the kitchen, "How do you like working? I never really got the chance to ask."

"I mean I like it when you aren't being so freaking rude." I say to him.

"Ok ok I'm sorry." He said, "When I'm in work mode I don't play around. I take my job seriously."

"Oh my god," I teased, "Roman Reigns, the Roman Reigns just apologized to me."

"Don't let it go to your head." He said back while trying to hide a smile.

"Seriously though." I say back to him as I place the bowls and spoons into the sink, "It wouldn't kill you to actually smile at people. You scare people."

"You have to look scary in my business." He said to me, "You don't want to appear like a push over."

"Blah." I say to him and walk out of the kitchen and towards the front door, once there, I open it and walk out into the porch, "You glare at people and they piss themselves... Except like... Who are those guys you hang out with?"

What He Doesn't Know • book one (complete) (AU) Where stories live. Discover now