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You woke up to the sun shining on your eyes and a invigorating scent under your nose. You looked to see a plum, juicy vole. A rarity in the territory your in.

You looked around then quickly ate it. After you finished you sat up and groomed your muzzle. You walked out of the bush and stretched, the warm sunlight gloriously illuminating your fur and warming the skin under it.

"Y/n! Y/n!" a voice called

You turned your head, ears perked as paws approached. The cat stumbled on a root and tumbled forward landing in front of your paws. You sighed. It was your apprentice. (making up an apprenrice name in 3-2-)

"Mumblepaw." you growled slightly, "you have to be more careful and watch where your stepping."

"Sorry y/n."

"What are you doing out here anyways?"

"Well," he shuffled on his paws, "you didn't come back so.... Russetfur sent me to get you."

You growled, "and what were her exact words?"

"Well. Her exact words were.... Go get that wandering elder you call a mentor."

You roared in furry.

"I'M ONLY A MOON OLDER THEN HER!" you grabbed Mumblepaw with your front paws and held him, swinging him around while you growled insults you could tell her.

His muzzle was in your chest fur and you pulled him closer when you heard a twig snap. You looked around slowly, ears swiveling to pick up any other sounds.

You saw the calico tom, Sol step out. Your eyes widened and you shoed him away with vicious flicks of your tail. You dropped Mumblepaw as Sol backed up into a bush.

You grabbed Mumblepaw by his scruff and carried him away. He complained as you did so. You dropped him and shoed him back too camp.

"You will train with (insert a mentor and apprentice you want him to train with) they should be doing battle training."

"Aww yeah!" Mumblepaw cheered and ran of to find them.

You trotted back to the clearing and sat next to Sol, who was laying in the middle of it. He flipped so his belly was facing you and cracked a bright eye open at you.

You huffed and turned your head away. He then raised his head and groomed your matted fur (ya know you're technically living in a swamp soooooo.)

You slightly flinched but then relaxed. You hadn't had time to groom your fur.... Ever sense she died.
(well might I just say that during this time skip you did a lot of other stuff but I'm lazy and they where somewhat boring. I leave this time skip and everything that happened during it to your imagination!)

You had returned to camp after your visit with Sol and had come back with a mouth full of prey and a rabbit on your back. (shocking to find in your territory.)

"Y/n." you recognized that silky voice anywhere.

"What do you want Russetfur."

"You know. Our clan seems down a few cats from the other clans. And seeing as we are going to battle Riverclan, not to long from now we could use more cat just in case there are casualties."

You stared at her in uncaring curiosity.

"What are you getting at?" you asked

"Sense you aren't aloud to fight I think you should have kits. Of course I would hate to leave the future of our clan in your dirty paws but your the only she-cat that won't be fighting."

"Are you crazy! How dare you suggest that! I should tear your throat out for even mentioning I'm not good for anything but bearing kits!" you hissed

"Your such a-"

"Russetfur!" Blackstar yowled at her," Leave y/n alone and get to doing your job!"

"Right" she said, lowering her ears and head,"sorry"

You growled and ran out of camp. You stopped as you heard paws chasing after you, growling you went in zig zags, around a tree a bunch of times, climbed up the tree and continued on your path by tree.

You had lost the cat that was chasing you. You landed in the familiar, isolated clearing.

"Twice in one day?" cooed the smooth voice of Sol

"I.... I hate my clan right now." you muttered

He purred sympathetically, curling himself around you comfortingly.

"You can always stay with me until things cool down." he said

You nodded but started feeling bad for-

"Y/n!" in a flash you push Sol away from you and into a nearby bush.

Mumblepaw came tumbling out of the marsh bushes. You sighed as he stood and cheerfully bounded over to you.

"Mumblepaw." you said

He looked up at you sweetly and gently head butted your front leg (you know the thing cats do)

"Mumblepaw, I'm going to be leaving until After the battle, maybe a bit longer." you said gently.

He looked up at you with wide eyes.

"No you can't leave! At least you can't leave me!"

You felt bad, he had no siblings or close family, his mother died from green cough and his father was killed by a fox, he thought of you as a second mother.

"Please if your gonna leave.... Take me with you.!" he cried, ears flat and eyes glossy.

You were hesitant but then Sol stepped out of his hiding spot.

"He can come if he wants." he said, walking over to you.

You looked at Sol then back to Mumblepaw. You nodded.

"Lets go then." you said, smiling to brighten the mood.

Sol lead as you and Mumblepaw followed.

"We'll still believe in Starclan, Right?" Mumblepaw whispered to you.

You nod and look up at the darkening sky.

"Yea Mumblepaw. We do~"

You all arrived at an old abandoned two-leg nest. You easily got in, helping Mumblepaw sense he was smaller. It was night and Sol disappeared into the darkness as you and Mumblepaw tugged and formed material into comfortable nests.

When Sol came back he had prey. You all ate then went to your nests. You were about to doze completely into sleep as you felt Sol curl around to sleep with you. And it wasn't long until you felt Mumblepaw curl into your neck and fall asleep.
A/n: next chapter will probably be the last and I already have an idea for the next x reader yandere I will write~

Sol X Reader YandereWhere stories live. Discover now