My zebra i love you

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ok i really liked writng this chapter and i was listening to break your little heart by All TIme Low the entire time while writing it so i put it in the side but yeah tell me what you think - Rebel!


It's been almost the whole tour. A whole tour and Ashley is still avoiding me. I felt like I was lying to myself everyday  saying it would be ok. I kept looking at my old scars and tracing lines over them but I didn’t want to break my promise I made to Blade 6 months ago. I was in love with a man who wasn’t acknowledging my existence. I sighed again, why does this have to be so hard? I looked at him on the picture on my phone I took a few days ago when he was onstage, it was the only time I saw him, while he was performing. I locked my phone and heard someone yelling my name.

"Ray!" I came back to reality to look at Blade who was the one yelling at me.

"You need to eat" he stated. I looked down

"I'm not hungry right now" I mumbled, I wasn’t hungry much anymore, I didn’t eat when I was stressed and that was how I developed my eating disorder a few years ago, I mean it was getting better but when I was stressed my stomach like didn’t want food.

"Bullshit Ray it's been 2 days since you have eaten something!" he yelled at me, was it really that long. "I'm not letting you go back that way!" that was when I snapped.

"Blade I'm not hungry that is enough! now leave it!" I yelled and got up from where I was and walked off the bus slamming the door behind me. We were somewhere in Nevada right now and the dark clouds looked ready for a nice storm, I loved rain, and lightning. I walked into a field that was to the right of the busses and went through the small cluster of tree's and saw a small clearing ahead. I made it to the clearing before I broke. Again I felt completely alone and I just sat there and cried.

Ashley POV

I  felt so bad. It's been one whole week since I realized I fell for a girl. I had tried getting my mind off of her but it wasn’t possible. I was scared of feeling this and avoided her because of it. I couldn't be in the same room with her without my heart clenching so I stayed away. Andy kept telling me how she was and I felt bad that I was the cause of it. I was sitting in the main room when Andy burst through the door.

"Ashley!" he said, he was completely out of breath he was also soaking wet, damn thunderstorms.

"What Andy!?" I asked.

"Its Rayvin, she went missing" I snapped to attention.

"What!" he put his finger up so I let him explain.

"Her and Blade got in a fight and she left and its been over 2 hours and now the storm-"I didn’t let him finish before I had grabbed my leather coat and went into the rain. my heart was hurting, she had to be ok, I had to find her. I walked around my mind in a fog and then I realized I was wandered into a forest. I heard the guys in the distance yelling her name as I continued though the cluster of trees. through the pouring rain I saw a small clearing ahead and went towards it. that’s when I saw her, she was just sitting there in a t shirt and jeans, her black hair falling behind her drenched in the rain. she looked to be crying, my heart clenched seeing her like that, most likely because of me. I approached her slowly and I heard her sobbing over the rain. I reached her and gently placed my hand on her shoulder,


Rayvin's POV

I just sat there and cried, letting all the emotion out. I heard a crack of thunder and the sky let loose on me mixing my salty tears with the cold rain. I shivered starting to get cold. I wanted things to fix themselves. why was I never good enough. I kept scratching my arm loving the sting it gave. I don’t know how long I was sitting there crying and scratching but I heard people calling my name, I guess it was too long cause they were looking for me. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder

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