Chapter 7

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        "I am NOT going!" Leah started. "I have math homework that takes precedent over us playing spy," She said as she gripped on to the head of her bed for dear life. For someone with such dainty hands, and not much upper body strength Leah sure has a good grip.

        "We're not playing," me and my other roomates snapped. "We are training, but spies nonetheless. Leah come on, it won't be that bad and we've been waiting for this oppurunity. We won't let you fall," I said.

        "No, I'll stay here and continue working on getting us through to Level Five clearence. You all have fun though," Leah said.

        I sighed and the rest of us left our room. WIth lights-out not that far away, I saw Mr. Hobbes return from his run and went into the P&E Barn and he hasn't left. This was the perfect oppurtunity to run or first recon op and see what Hobbes was up to. If all went well, we weren't going to get caught.

        We didn't go off to the P&E Barn, instead we went to his room. That's where he hid all of his to secret information, Cassie complained because she wanted to see Hobbes shirtless, again. We walked into his room and it was quaint. His bed was made, there were few books on the shelves and his clothes were neatly folded. It was neat, too neat. We had to be careful because moving the slightest thing out of place could give us away.

        Gabs went for the dresser, Cassie the closet, me the bed. I removed the sheets and looked behind the bed, under it, and even inside the pillow cases, but nothing. Not until I lfted the mattress and found what I needed to find.

        "Bingo! Guys, I found something," I said and pulled out a laptop. We opened it and, as expected, it was password protected. Under the mattress Hobbes? So disappointing.

        "Think you can hack this, Mag?" Gabs asked.

        "Oh yeah, just need some time. While I'm working on this code, you guys clean up this room. Last thing we need is to get busted, before we get any intel," I told them while typing away into the hidden firewalls (that no one is supposed to know about). I bypassed through the first security checkpoint, but CIA agents always have high mantence when it came to their security, who could blame them. Hobbes was not the average agent, he was prepared in case the enemy tried breaking in, but I'm not the enemy. I bypassed another main firewalls and in three minutes I was in.

        "Wow, Mag, you really belong in Advanced Encryption," Gabs said.

        "Noted, I'll be sure to bring it up with my Grandma if we don't get caught. Cassie, keep watch." I sad, my eyes never left the screen.

        Gabs was next to me, both of us searching through his many files. I opened his files and found the files I needed, they were under something called, "Project: Reborn". As usual the case files were encrypted and I did not have time to sort them all. So, Gabs swiped in a USB drive and began downloading the files while I hacked my way into the others. I knew that hacking into CIA case files would come in handy while I was in school.

        I got through the first few and my hands stopped suddenly at the sight in front of me. In one of the pictures there was a girl sitting in a chair. Bruises ran up and down her arms. Puncture wounds from needles, maybe even knives. That's not why i stopped, it was because I knew that girl She...was me.

        "Morgan? Morgan are you okay?" Gabs asked me.

        My hands were shaking. My heartbeat increased dramatically. I didn't know it at the time, but I was hyperventilating. She was me. Right? She had to be. Why else would she look so familiar?

        "Hobbes is coming," Cassie said. Gabs and Cassie tried to move me, but I was frozen. That girl. That room. I don't remember any of it.

        "Go, I gotta do something," I said.

        "Are you mad?! We leave you and you get caught. No way," Gabs whisper-yelled at me.

        "Go, I'll be fine. After all it won't be the first time I hide from an agent of the law in their bedroom," I whispered back. Gabs and Cassie contemplated it for a moment, but they knew that once my mind was made up, there was no changing it. They left and I stayed. I heard Hobbes' footsteps get closer, they were fatigued but relaxed. I shut off the computer, pulled out the drive and went under the bed.

        That's when it started, the headache. It felt like my head was splitting in half. I was seeing double. The darkness engulfed me.

        There was another room, with and iron door. It was soundproofed. I hid under the bed, I was scared--no I was terrified. they were coming for me. They were going to kill me. "Morgan, come out, come out wherever you are dear. We don't want to hurt you," the voice said.

        It was a woman. She was older, not too old, but not middle aged. I saw her footsteps come towards the bed. She bent down her red hair had grey streaks running through them. Her eyes, her cold eyes, showed nothing but darkness. She reached for me, I tried to fight, but she pulled me under the bed. I felt my nails dig into the pavement.

        "Stop! Please! I don't wanna die!" I screamed as loud as I could. She pulled me from underneath the bed. Then tossed me aside into the wall, it hurt.

        "You've been a very bad girl, Morgan. Naughty children need to be punished," she said. Then she began to sing, "Above the plains up on the hill there stood a caslte bold. A gleaming palace made of white, a pillar to behold". I tried moving toward the door, but everything hurt. She had a knife and she was coming towards me with it.

        "I used to sing that to my son when he was little, he used to love it. I'm sure you will too," She said and she lifted knife high above her head and it came down at lightening speed.

        "NO!" I screamed as I awoke from what was either a terrible nightmare, or a surpressed memory. Or, the ones I was made to forget. My heart was beating so hard I could feel it pressing against my chest. Cold sweat ran down my forehead. My eyes were twitching. I felt numb.

        I saw a hand come towards me, on instinct I grabbed it and twisted the arm back. "Quite the reflexes you have, tell me did Joe, Zach, or dear old Teddy Townsend teach you that?" the voice said. It was Mr. Hobbes's voice. "I suppose my real question is: why were you spying me and what did you find? More importantly, what do you remember?"

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