Chapter 11

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        (A list by Morgan Goode)

        -A teacher relieved that I gave him a split lip

        -Uncle Matt stadning in the halls of Gallagher Academy as if it was the most normal thing in the world

        -Grandpa Joe

        -The growing animosity between Grandpa Joe and Mr. Hobbes. It was obvious that one didn't trust the other

        "Morgan, are you alright? Did he do that to you?" Grandpa Joe asked.

        My mouth opened, but no sound came out. I was too shocked and confused to answer him.

        "I'm standing right here, Joe," Mr. Hobbes said. "Why don't you ask me?"

        Grandpa Joe forced his gaze off of Mr. Hobbes and onto me. "Morgan," he said.

        "Dad," Uncle Matt said, thankfully breaking the growing tension. "We were supposed to be looking for the CovOps teacher. Everyone, especially the girls, were stunned when he didn't show after the op."

        Grandpa Joe's eyes never left me. He was analyzing my injuries, determining how much damage Hobbes had done to me. After three minutes, he gave Hobbes a look that could kill. No exaggeration, if Hobbes wasn't as good as he was he woud've been dead. Grandpa then sighed deeply, shoved his hands back into his pockets and said, "You're right. Let's go find your mother."

        "There's no need to bother the headmistress," Hobbes said. "You've already found the CovOps teacher."

        "You?" Grandpa Joe snapped.

        "Great. Mission accomplished," Uncle Matt said, but it appeared as if he and I were the only ones who heard it. If felt like Grandpa Joe was throwing invisible daggers at Hobbes, and Hobbes was busy avoiding them. "Dad, we should go. Mom's probably down there already. Alone. In a room filled with bored and anxious teenage spies. We don't want a repeat of last year."

        "What a minute," I said. "You mean there are more boys here? Boys like you? In this school?" I asked.

        Uncle Matt shrugged as he said, "Not as skilled, cunning, or good looking, but yeah."

        "Matthew," Grandpa scolded. "That's classified."

        "Dad, it's not life or death related. Besides, if I didn't tell her she would go looking for answers on her own and find them. At least by telling her it prevents the maintenece crew from cleaning up her mess."

        Grandpa Joe was in no modd to deal with Uncle Matt's revealing, so he said, "Fine, Morgan you-

        "Head up to bed, you need the rest," Hobbes said cutting Grandpa Joe off.

        "No," Grandpa Joe said. "She will wait for me and the headmistress in her office."

        "My student, Joeseph," Hobbes said with a grin.

        "My granddaughter, Jacob," Grandpa said, not amused in the slightest.

        "I'll be in the office," I said. Both men nodded. Grandpa then turned and began to walk back into the darkness. Hobbes shot me a smile as he followed.

        Uncle Matt patted my shoulder twice and said, "Good to see you, Speedy." He then ran after both adults and faded into the night. I made my way to the office, wishing that at that at that moment I was a sophomore.

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