Chapter 17: The Catacombs

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I stared at the black entrance, fear crawled down my spine. I didn't know why I was so afraid of the dark. Perhaps it's because Cat isn't here with me. He usually is when we go into dark places. I shook my head, dismissing the thoughts. Now isn't the time to dwell on the things of the past. I'm getting him back tonight. I looked at Plagg from the corner of my eye.

"I don't like going in blind." I said softly as I grasped my yo-yo, watching Plagg from my peripheral vision as he looked at me from the corner of his eye. I took a deep breath before turning my attention to the gaping maw of the door frame. I grumbled before trudging into the darkness.

I hadn't gotten very far in when I had noticed cat eyes flashing followed by soft growling. My thoughts immediately turned to Cat Blanc. I grit my teeth, quickly dismissing the idea. Cat was their prisoner.

I stilled, my eyes darting all over the darkened room as I spun my yo-yo, creating a red glow. I could feel someone's gaze burning into me. I spun around in time to see a dark shadow dart across my path followed by a grunt and thud. "Plagg you can see in the dark, right?" I asked, trying to reign in my panic. I wasn't usually this flighty. I shook my head, dismissing the fear. I have felt off balance ever since Cat Noir was Akumatized; not being able to do anything other than fight has been frustrating.

I flinched when another cried pain came from the same direction. I blinked and ducked when a blur of black flew over my head and out the door. The sound of the metal door clattered on the cement followed. I frowned as I looked in the direction it came from. I growled irritably, wondering how that person flew over my head in the first place.

Plagg's soft purr echoed softly. "Got one out," his voice merrily chimed before he grumbled under his breath about Cat Noir owing him a ton of cheese. I rolled my eyes at his grumblings.

I could feel the silent urges of Tikki as I dropped my gaze to the spinning yo-yo, willing the red glow brighter, chasing the shadows away around me. I stared at my yo-yo. I would do anything right now to be able to use Lucky Charm, I could use a flashlight.

I sighed softly before raising my gaze to see Plagg shielding his eyes from the bright glow of the weapon/toy. I blinked, staring at him. "Don't ask," he narrowed his green eyes as his ears twitched. A soft snort escaped him before he turned and stalked off into the dark, his tail swishing behind him. His black boots made no sound. I glared at his back. What? Can he change his form at will now? I frowned at him, watching his retreating form as I looked at my yo-yo before catching it only to hear a thud follow.

I ignored it as I tapped my yo-yo, wondering if it had a flashlight function like it had a phone. I groaned softly when nothing happened. "Spinning it, it is." I grumbled as laughter escaped the cat god while I spun my yo-yo again. I blinked as the red glow revealed Plagg standing behind Panter who was unconscious and tied up with his own whip. I snorted as Plagg glared at me.

I watched Plagg as he took a step forward, only to shrink down to his original size. I glared at him. So he can change his size at will. I grumbled under my breath as I trudged forward.

Time passed as I followed Plagg down one tunnel after the next. He never spoke. His silence was starting to scare me. From what Cat Noir has told me about Plagg —and yes he complains about him a lot—, he never shuts up.

I absently wandered into a tunnel after what felt like hours of exploring. I had lost sight of Plagg a long time ago when he had decided it was time to zip through the walls. I growled softly, promising myself to yell at the cat god the next time I saw him. I was tired and my body ached for no reason at all. The only part of me that should ache is my right arm.

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