Chapter Seven

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"Well. Light's out everyone!" Tyron walked outside the cabins yelling this continuously until everyone had heard the sentance and all lights had been turned off.
Exept one, small, magic-fueled light being controlled by none other than Seto M. Sorcerer. He was sat in his bed writing in his diary.
Entry #21900
Today I arrived at the 'hybrid camp,' where I've met some nice people. There names are Sky, Brice, Jerome,Ty, Quentin, Mitch and Husky. I'm worried about father. His spirit is still messed up from moms death 400 years ago- six sorcerer years if whoever reads this is a non-magic user. Other than that I feel relatively normal, practising magic and all my usual stuff.
Well, good night diary. I wonder what tomorrow will be like. -Seto M. Sorcerer

Seto flipped his thick book closed and extinguished his light before pulling the bedcovers over his head and drifting into a dreamless sleep.

The Hybrid Camp **Based Off 'Camp Asino' By Jabbywocky_Slaya** (Seto FF)Where stories live. Discover now