Chapter: 3

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Chapter 3


"Kimberley, please? Pretty please?"

"No Sarah, I already told you I'm not going."

"But it will be fun, I promise. Nadine had alredy agreed to come and she doesn't even like pop music. It will be fun, trust me. Best time you ever had, the other night not included."

"SARAH! I thought we agreed not to talk about that!"

"Aw come one, you've gotta give me this one Kim, it was HI-LA-RI-OUS! Embarrassing for you maybe. How is Justin anyway?"

"Great. Fabulous. Never been better. Now can we please change the subject?"

"Ok... How about that concert?"

"I already said no, Saz. I'm not into pop, generic crap."

"But she's not like that, she's really good I promise! Oh I forgot, you'd rather listen to those musicals of yours, 'THE HILLS ARE ALIVE, WITH THE SOUND OF MUSIC!'"

"Ah! STOP! You're making my ears bleed!"

"So you'll come then?"

"Will you never sing again? Ever?"

"Oi! I've been told I sound like Beyonce!"

"Whatever you say, if you sound like Beyonce then I am no longer a fan."

"Aw fcuk you Kim, seriously. Anyway, you gonna answer my question?"

"Even if I wanted to, I can't I'm working remember? Plus, I don't even know her songs, I'll look daft standing there just bopping along to the music!"

"Nonsense Kimberley, everbody has heard Cheryl, I guarantee you would know at least a few of her songs, she's everywhere, probably in that newspaper on your kitchen counter. In fact... Ha! Look! Right there, the front of the entertainment section!"

"Oh so you have seen enough newspapers to know they have sections eh, Saz?"

"Shutup you! Look!"

I walk over to my kitchen counter, where Sarah is triumphantly pointing to a picture,

"Wow, she's gorgeous..."

"Put your tounge back in your mouth hey Kim? You've already got someone, and if I remember correctly, you're not going to her concert. Seeya boring, have fun!"



I feel myself being rocked back and forth, a pair of hands gripping my shoulders, shaking me violently,

"Me p... Wake up Kim! Have you seen me phone? Please tell us you know where me phone is Kim, for fcuk's sake!"


"Me phone, dear god tell us ya know where it is!" She runs into the living room, frantically checking under cushions on the sofa, that's when I notcie the pain evident in my side from sleeping on the cold tiled floor.

"It's 2am, why do you need your phone?" I stumble into the front room, tripping over cushions strewn across the room in the process, her trail of destruction.

"I just need the fcuking thing Kimberley, do ya get us?! I need it! I need it..."

She falls onto the sofa, consumed by a fit of sobs once again. I rush to her side when she starts hyperventilating,

"Shhh, babe relax, you can use my phone ok?"

"No, ya don't understand, I need that phone Kimberley!" She grips my shirt, forcing me onto the sofa.

"Ok, ok, calm down babe, I'm here. When did you last see it?"

"On the - On the fcuking bridge! I left it on the bloody bridge didn't I?!"

"It's alright, we'll look for it in the morning."

"No, I need it now, I need it." In this moment I have no idea what to do or say.


"Ummm, can you tell me why you need it? Please?"

"I, ah, I need it to call someone - don't know the number, it's on me phone..."

"Ok. Listen, do you think the person would appreciate you calling them at 2:30 in the morning?"

"It's not the same, I should've been there in the first place, I need to be there."


"Back home, she needs us, I know she does." She pulls me in close to her, crying into my chest,

"We'll get it in the morning, I promise, soon as the sun comes up."

"No, you don't get it do you?! I'm gettin it, ok? Don't try and follow us, I'll be back when I find it."


And with that, she disappears, slamming the door behind her. I'm sat in a daze, not being able to process what just happened before I'm out the door, searching for this woman I don't even know...

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