Phone calls

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You called Adam and asked him to go to big brothers house and get your stuff after work. "Sorry, have plans with wife" said Adam. Next you called Barney and asked him if he could help you get your stuff. "Cants family's plan" Said Barney. You called Ross and asked him and TimTim to help. "Yea sure, address?" Asked Ross. You told Ross the address. You hung up and texted big brother that two guys are going to get your stuff. "Yea sure what ever" your brother replies. You told Max that after Ross and TimTim get off work, your heading to your brothers house to get your stuff. "Do you want me to come with you?" Asked Max. You told him that big brother doesn't want him to come over. "Yea, sense I did create a scene" said Max as he scratches the back of his head. "I don't want you to go ____!" Said Max as he holds your hands to his heart. "What if that nightmare came true what if I wasn't there..." You shhhhed Max and told him that it'll be fine. "Ok" Max said as he holds you tightly. You hugged him back, you never want to leave his grip.

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